Ming Dynasty: My father Yongle, Forever Reigns Over Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 432 Yao Guangxiao died? Accident or conspiracy?

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The odor was removed.

Then this wool will be turned into treasure.

At first, everyone didn't quite believe it, but after seeing it with their own eyes, they truly saw what Prince Han was capable of.

Just after these simple processes, the smell of wool has been removed, and there is no longer any smell.

Zhu Gaoxu also picked up the wool and sniffed it, then nodded with satisfaction.

From now on, we will produce according to the process, and we must ensure that the wool smell is removed. Let's go and look elsewhere!

Qiu Guangde accepted the order and led everyone to the yard next door.

This is the use of textile machines to turn messy wool into neat yarn.

The textile technology of the Ming Dynasty could be said to have reached the peak level of the feudal era.

Various large, medium and small looms are everywhere, especially in the Jiangnan area, where nine out of ten households have them.

First, due to the promotion of the imperial court, since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, Emperor Gao has required all people to plant mulberry, hemp, and cotton. The government even provides various seeds and distributes them free of charge. Farmers who plant in excess of their quota can also be exempted from some miscellaneous taxes to encourage them. Planting by ordinary people has greatly promoted the development of the cotton textile industry.

Second, it was profitable for the people. Because the imperial court's demand for cotton fabrics gradually increased, many lower-class people who had no other skills or connections joined the textile industry and worked hard in exchange for food and clothing for their families. Spend.

In the textile towns centered on Songjiang, Suzhou, and Changzhou, cultivation is more concentrated, and cultivation of cotton, hemp, mulberry and other crops has become common throughout the country.

The scene of textiles that everyone saw in front of them was not unusual in the Jiangnan area and could be seen everywhere.

Today, the textile industry of the Ming Dynasty has reached new heights, both in terms of textile tools and technology.

Cotton has replaced silk and linen in the Ming Dynasty and has become the main dyeing fabric for people's clothing. The textile varieties are also extremely rich, including silk, linen and cotton. Among them, silk weaving technology is the most amazing, which represents nature. It is gorgeous and noble silk.

But now, Zhu Gaoxu has added another kind, wool.

Some female workers are operating these textile machines. Piles of messy wool quickly turn into slender yarns after passing through these textile machines.

This is a boring job, but it can bring remuneration to these female workers, enough to support their families, so the female workers work seriously for fear of losing their jobs.

Zhu Gaoxu observed that these textile machines had different outputs due to their different sizes. Some could weave five yarns at a time, while others could only produce three.

This efficiency is indeed a bit slow.

But there is nothing that can be done about it.

Let's go to the next courtyard!

These courtyards were built according to technical procedures, so Zhu Gaoxu wanted to know how these wool threads would be processed in the next step.

Under the leadership of Qiu Guangde, everyone came to the next courtyard again.

Unsurprisingly, this is the weaving courtyard, where the wool with the odor removed is processed into cloth.

However, after Zhu Gaoxu took a look, he was a little disappointed. The efficiency was too slow.

Zhu Gaoxu shook his head and thought carefully. There seemed to be some kind of Jenny Textile Machine in his memory?

This thing just turns the original horizontal spindles into upright ones, thus saving space and allowing more spindles to be placed. Therefore, using a spinning wheel to drive more yarns can be spun at once, thus greatly improving the efficiency of weaving. efficiency.

When he thought of this, Zhu Gaoxu immediately became energetic and prepared to let the Royal Manufacturing Bureau tinker with the Jenny textile machine when he went back.

However, the technical activity of weaving does not seem to require any skills at all.

Old Qiu, go get some smooth and slender wooden sticks, and then a bunch of wool!

Everyone: ???


What are you doing?

No way, right?

The prince of the Han Dynasty, the dignified supervisor of the country, can't he be a female celebrity?

Qiu Guangde was a little confused when he heard this, but he nodded and asked a female worker to bring it over.

Zhu Gaoxu looked at the smooth wooden stick in front of him with a smile on his face.

In his previous life, he had done this a lot in order to pursue the goddess!

Zhu Gaoxu directly picked up one, then found the beginning of the wool, and skillfully tied a slip knot on the wooden stick.

The three giants, Xia Yuanji and Zhou Chen, looked at His Highness the King of Han in dumbfounded eyes. They kept moving their hands, and soon the pile of wool turned into a piece of wool about the size of a palm!

Everyone: !!!


Completely numb!

Prince Han actually has a female worker?

The eyes of the three giants almost popped out of their heads. They looked at Prince Han in disbelief, with extremely weird expressions.

Zhu Gaoxu couldn't help but blush when he saw this, and threw the work to Qiu Guangde.

Lao Qiu, this weaving method is not only efficient, but also suitable for all ages.

I see that this courtyard is full of young female workers. We can also recruit older ones so that they can have jobs to support their families.

Qiu Guangde smiled and nodded, immediately giving a thumbs up.

Your Majesty is righteous!

I just don’t know whether his praise is because of the old female worker or because the Han prince is a prodigy!

Xia Yuanji seemed to have discovered a new world, he grabbed the piece of Jiejie and laughed strangely.

Jin Zhong and Jian Yi were not to be outdone and made harsh and loud noises.

Ahem, may I ask His Highness the King of Han, when did you learn this female beauty?

Looking at the tight and neat seams, Your Highness is afraid that the female beauty will be good, right?

My dear, if you keep saying this, I will hand in your resignation tomorrow!

Everyone: ...

Your uncle!

Can't you afford it?

Zhu Gaoxu looked at these three old guys with a displeased face, wishing they could fight each other.

In his previous life, he knitted a lot of scarves and sweaters for the goddess, but it was a pity that the goddess never realized his sincerity. UU reading www.uukanshu. net

Therefore, if you lick a dog, you will die!

At this moment, a guard in golden robes came galloping over and whispered a few words to Nie Xing.

Nie Xing's expression suddenly changed and he hurriedly found Zhu Gaoxu.

My lord, something happened.

Zhu Gaoxu's face changed slightly when he heard this, and he motioned for Nie Xing to speak directly.

There was a fire in the imperial prison, and the prince's young master Yao Guangxiao was buried in the sea of ​​​​fire!

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked!

Zhu Gaoxu's expression changed drastically, as did the three giants.

Yao Guangxiao was buried in a sea of ​​fire, dead?

How can this be?

That evil monk in troubled times, the prime minister in black, died like this?

The three giants and Zhu Gaoxu looked at each other and were speechless for a long time.

Yao Guangxiao, that was the number one contributor to Jingnan!

If he died like this, His Majesty the Emperor would be furious!

After all, what crime did Yao Guangxiao commit?

Not guilty!

Although it was indeed because of his bewitchment that the King of Han went to Northern Xinjiang and almost died.

But not only did the King of Han not die, he also helped lead his army to conquer Helin and regain Lingbei Province.

So, what other crimes does Yao Guangxiao have?

Even if he is forcibly charged with estrangement from the Tian family, only His Majesty the Emperor can decide Yao Guangxiao's life or death!

After all, he, Yao Guangxiao, was the chief planner of the Jingnan Campaign and the number one contributor to the Jingnan Campaign!

Without Yao Guangxiao, there would be no Yongle Emperor Zhu Di!

Now, Yao Guangxiao died unexpectedly, what would His Majesty the Emperor think?

Zhu Gaoxu's face was ashen and he immediately ordered: Go back to Beijing!

What he is thinking now is, is this an accident, or is this a conspiracy?

The imperial prison is the core of Jinyiwei. It has always been tightly guarded. How could it suddenly break down?

And the one who was so immortal just happened to burn Yao Guangxiao, the demon monk of the troubled times?

Little Fufu, please don’t do anything stupid!

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