Ming Dynasty: My father Yongle, Forever Reigns Over Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 429 Purpose! A confessional game with the Big 3!

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A little numb!

The king of Han really wanted to trade slaves!

This is something that is completely unconscionable and devoid of humanity!

Robbery of people for trade is simply the ultimate expression of the evil of human nature and is incompatible with Confucian thoughts of benevolence and righteousness!

Once the world's literati learn about this, I'm afraid that the reputation of King Zhu Gaoxu of Han will instantly become stinky!

After all, on the surface, he is doing this just for profit!

Although they had heard His Highness the King of Han mention it before, they had not actually done it yet.

Now look at the posture of King Han, he is really ready to take action!

The three giants looked at each other in confusion at this moment, and none of them looked pretty.

Xia Yuanji, the Minister of Household Affairs, was the first to speak. He considered the words and said in a deep voice: Your Highness, the King of Han, this move harms the harmony of heaven and earth, and is inconsistent with the Confucian concept of benevolence and righteousness in governing the country. After all, our Ming Dynasty is a kingdom of heaven, and etiquette has been the rule since ancient times. How can a foreign country plunder foreign people for trade? How is this different from barbarians?

Old Xia Tou, let me tell you this. Nowadays, our Ming Dynasty is building a new capital, building imperial mausoleums, dredging the Grand Canal and other infrastructure projects, using a lot of hard labor of prisoners. Putting aside the prisoners, These hard laborers are all my people of the Ming Dynasty!

Faced with Xia Yuanji's opposition, Zhu Gaoxu did not feel panicked because he had already thought about how to persuade Emperor Yongle's little plan.

If a sufficient number of slaves are plundered from overseas to serve as hard labor, then the hundreds of thousands or millions of people of the Ming Dynasty can be exempted from hard labor and can farm the fields at home with peace of mind. This time and time will bring great benefits to our Ming Dynasty. Have you ever thought about the tax on the food produced?”

Hearing this, Xia Yuanji was startled.

It seemed that Prince Han had opened up a new way of thinking for him in an extremely crude way!

The construction of the new capital, the construction of imperial mausoleums, and the dredging of the Grand Canal... these major infrastructure projects mobilized far more than one million migrant workers.

There is no doubt that this will naturally affect local food cultivation.

However, this is a loss that has no choice but to be endured.

Needless to say, building an imperial mausoleum is the first big project for every new king after he ascends the throne and becomes emperor. It is to build a mausoleum for himself.

And building a new capital is also a major project that must be completed. After all, His Majesty the Emperor's intention to move the capital is well known to both the government and the public. He has built his imperial mausoleum in Beiping. Will he not move the capital in the end?

Therefore, these major projects are major national policies that must be carried out and completed!

Even if millions of people are mobilized to do hard labor, it will definitely delay the harvest, but there is nothing we can do about it.

But now, Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu provided Xia Yuanji with a new idea.

If enough overseas barbarians were plundered and used as hard laborers, wouldn't the people of the Ming Dynasty be able to avoid the pain of hard labor and farm the fields at home with peace of mind?

This is not only a benevolent policy that benefits the people all over the world, but will also increase an immeasurable amount of tax revenue for the court!

As long as it runs well, it may not be impossible for the Ming Dynasty to completely eliminate the corvee for the people of the Ming Dynasty!

When he thought of this, Lao Xia Tou became excited instantly and looked at Prince Han with ardent eyes.

But he was not irrational, and he immediately raised his doubts.

Your Highness, King of Han, are there really so many barbarians overseas?

Ha. Zhu Gaoxu chuckled, You have also seen The Kanyu Map of Ten Thousand Kingdoms. This world is far broader and more exciting than you think!

If there are not enough slaves in the East China Sea, then go to the South Sea, then go to the West!

I would like to ask you, even if it is for the sake of Ming Dynasty and the people, do you agree?


Xia Yuanji fell into deep thought.

Although this kind of business is indeed unscrupulous and insane!

But for the people of Ming Dynasty, it was an undisputed act of benevolence and good governance!

It’s just that I have some conscience that I can’t live with.

Seeing that he was still hesitating, Zhu Gaoxu dropped another bombshell.

Don't tell me that this is not in line with the Confucian concept of benevolence and righteousness. The real pre-Qin Confucianism is not against slavery!

What Confucians advocate is 'propriety', which is the order of etiquette and law established by them. As long as slaves observe 'property' and slave owners treat slaves according to 'property', it is an ideal society for Confucians. Therefore, Confucianism upholds the past and benevolence, which is the same as buying and selling slaves. Not contradictory.”

Besides, if you literati really abide by benevolence, justice and morality, why do you keep so many servants at home?

You sing about etiquette and laws to others, but you do all the stupid things yourself. Do you really think that others are fools? If these literati and gentry dare to jump out, one by one, I will not tear off the fig leaf on his body. It’s not Zhu Gaoxu!”

Faced with Prince Han's rebuke, the three giants were speechless.

What a way to do it, people have taken advantage of it.

Whether it is theoretical basis or factual examples, they are irrefutable.

Confucianism advocates etiquette, and this etiquette has become a tool for slave owners to maintain their rule. This is a fact that no one can dispute.

Roughly speaking, the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period were also slave-owner regimes, and this period happened to be the time when the Confucian sages established their sects.

So if you really want to argue with Prince Han, he can bring out the Holy Master and scold you to death!

Moreover, it is an outright fact that the parents of the literati and gentry have many servants and many handymen.

After all, which scholar would cook, wash and plow the fields by himself?

To them, that is insulting to politeness!

Xia Yuanji thought for a long time and finally sighed.

I hope His Highness will not forget his original intention and not do anything for profit!

Hearing his words, Zhu Gaoxu felt a big stone fall in his heart.

As long as Xia Yuanji, the God of Wealth, nods, and the Ministry of Household Affairs officially takes over the slave trade, it can proceed.

Zhu Gaoxu turned to look at Jin Zhong, Minister of the Ministry of War, who was Zhu Di's confidant who looked increasingly old and frail.

Jin Zhong frowned and sighed suddenly: Your Highness, the King of Han, now that our Ming Dynasty is strong, we can suppress others with our power, and UU read books www.uukanshu.net to establish a domineering government!

However, if our Ming Dynasty encounters a sudden change and shows signs of weakness, all the barbarians will rise up and attack it together because they have a grudge against our Ming Dynasty!

Wang Dao advocated benevolence and followed the Confucian thought of governing with benevolence.

The overbearing master force follows the legalist pursuit of force.

Previously, the Ming Dynasty had always regarded itself as the supreme kingdom of heaven, and treated the foreign countries in all directions with kindness and kindness, thus establishing a reasonable tribute system of friendly neighbors.

However, since the Han Dynasty came to supervise the country's governance, it changed this basic national policy and frequently sent troops to the East China Sea and Southeast Asia. It was obviously a hegemonic path.

However, being overbearing is good, but it can lead to endless troubles!

Zhu Gaoxu nodded after hearing this, but he still insisted on his opinion.

Old Jintou, have you ever thought about not taking advantage of the kings' conquest of the new land and secretly plundering some of their population, or luring them with large sums of money to actively sell their population?

When they have completely established a foothold in the new soil and vigorously developed their own vassal state, once the vassal state is strong enough to compete with our Ming Dynasty, will they still be willing to settle down in a corner and not brazenly fight back to the middle earth?

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the three giants changed.

It turns out that the King of Han had this intention in engaging in this slave trade at this moment.

Plunder the populations of kings and vassal states and weaken their strength in disguise!

If that's the case, what else can you say?

The three giants nodded immediately and expressed approval.

Okay, you don't have any objections, right?

I have!

Zhu Gaoxu: ???

Big Three:???

The four of them looked for the sound, only to see Zhou Chen raising his little hand fearfully, and weakly said: Your Highness, the King of Han, my wool...

Four people: !!!

Your uncle!

You just know a wool!

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