Qianqing Palace.

Zhuge Qing was summoned.

But after waiting here for a long time, I didn't see the Son of Heaven.

Six hours passed, and Zhu Youxiao was late.

His clothes were stained with a lot of wood chips, and there was a smell of agarwood wafting from his body.

I thought I was going to do carpentry and forgot about the time.

Zhuge Qing immediately knelt down and said, "Greet the Holy Bow!" "

I'm there." Zhu Youxiao sat on the dragon chair casually.

He looked at Zhuge Qing with a condescending attitude, and asked rhetorically, "Zhuge Qing, do you know why I summoned him?"

"I don't know."

Zhu Youxiao waved his hand and motioned for Zhuge Qing to get up.

Then, he said slowly: "The situation of the six doors in the imperial court has always been very embarrassing. "

The upper part is subject to Jinyiwei and Dongchang, and the lower part cannot thoroughly investigate major and important cases."

"Don't you have a little ambition?"

Zhuge Qing had already expected these words: "The minister is just doing his best to serve His Majesty."

He recalled Shen Lian's words.

The summons of the Son of Heaven is nothing more than to support the six doors to ascend.

Take the brocade clothes and replace them.

However, Zhuge Qing also knew in his heart that it was absolutely impossible to replace Jin Yiwei.

Under the command of the commander, the status of the Jinyi Guard has long surpassed the imperial power.

However, Zhu Youxiao is still the Son of Heaven of the Ming Dynasty, and he needs to gain the trust of the Son of Heaven.

In this way, we can use the Son of Heaven to serve Jinyiwei.

Thinking of this, Zhuge Qing continued: "As long as Your Majesty orders, the minister is willing to go to the soup and fight the fire, and he will not give up!"

"With your words, I am very relieved."

There was a moment of silence.

Zhu Youxiao glanced around vigilantly, deliberately showing a defensive posture.

Then, he lowered his voice and said, "Recently, Jin Yiwei's hand has been stretched too long. "

I heard that the Jinyi Guard deliberately let the Sun and Moon God Sect go, so that dozens of people from the six gates were killed."

"Do you know this?"

Hearing this, Zhuge Qing was stunned.

He stayed in the Qianqing Palace all day today.

Ignorant of the outside world.

Zhuge Qing asked in surprise: "Your Majesty is sure it is Jinyiwei?"

Zhu Youxiao affirmed: "You have no jokes! "

As the head catcher of the six gates, you are responsible for the death of so many catchers."

It is normal for there to be casualties in the course of questioning and investigating cases.

But once a large number of arresters are about to die, it means that there is a problem with the decision-making of Zhuge Qing, the chief catcher.

The Son of Heaven is going to ask for sin!

"Your Majesty... The minister pleaded guilty! Zhuge Qing had no choice but to kneel down and admit punishment.

At the same time, a question came to his mind.

He was supposed to go to the scene of the extermination of the Sun and Moon God Cult.

And the Son of Heaven summoned himself to the palace at this time.

Is it a coincidence?

Zhu Youxiao didn't care: "Now that the imperial court is employing people, if I condemn you, I'm afraid I will lose a talent."

"However, capital crimes can be avoided, but living crimes cannot be escaped."

"I ordered you to make meritorious service for your crimes."

"Within ten days, find out whether the Zhendi Division has deceived the monarch!"

Zhuge Qing suddenly realized that His Majesty was sowing discord.

And this hand is perfectly played.

Or, he will do what the Son of Heaven says and sit on the throne of the emperor's crime.

Otherwise, he will be executed by the Son of Heaven on the charge of unfavorable handling of the case by the six doors.

That's a line of thought.

What made Zhuge Qing desperate the most was.

Even with such an unreasonable order, he could only kneel on the ground at this time and say, "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Zhu Youxiao nodded: "Stand down." "

Wait for Zhuge Qing to leave.

Zhu Youxiao pulled out a long knife painted with black paint from behind the dragon chair.

"The power of the three swords of this nasal passage is really extraordinary."

"Not only killing the masters of the rivers and lakes, such as chopping melons and vegetables, but even my mind has been enhanced."

Since the cultivation of the three swords of the nose passage.

Zhu Youxiao found that he was no longer only immersed in the identity of a carpenter.

He has a pursuit of power, beauty, and wealth.

But when these changes happen on your own.

Others thought he was the ordinary carpenter emperor.

It's a good feeling!



Beijing, northern suburbs.

The martial arts conference is about to begin.

Before dawn, thousands of people gathered here.

The three hidden sects of the Jade Bone Sect, the Xiaoyao Sect and the Tianyi Sect worked together to build a corner tower and look at the martial arts platform from a distance.

Masters such as Traceless Gongzi and Changshengzi also found a comfortable tea shed at this time, staring at every move of the martial arts conference.

The rest of the small sects and factions were all gathered around the huge tournament platform.

For them.

If you win, you can climb to the sky.

If you lose, you will only suffer some injuries.

This deal is a sure win.

In the tea shed.

Childe plucks the strings gently.

However, if one is broken, it is always a little difficult to enjoy playing.

He squinted at the head of Wudang who was drinking tea on the side, and said, "Changshengzi, you Wudang have always been idle clouds and wild cranes, why are you here today?"

"After all, the word fame and fortune can't be separated?"

Changshengzi put down the teacup and said indifferently: "Just come and see, Wudang disciples will not participate."

"Really? I don't believe it. Childe Traceless hung the piano on his back.

"If I meet your Wudang disciples on the competition platform, I will never show mercy."

This is very clear.

The Traceless Prince not only has to compete for the position of the leader of the martial arts alliance.

And don't hesitate to offend Wudang!

The eldest son shook his head and sighed: "The rivers and lakes... But it's the size of a palm.

"No matter how you and I fight, we are just the people of the Ming Dynasty."

Since Xuanyang Daoist said that analysis, the eldest son completely broke off the idea of competing for the leader of the martial arts alliance.

It's just that Traceless didn't listen to these words after all.


Above the northwest corner tower.

The three elders of the hermit sect sat on the terrace.

The head of the Jade Bone Sect had three locks of long hair, and one eye was blind, looking like a black hole from a distance.

A hideous look appeared on his face: "This group of Jianghu warriors dares to provoke our Hidden World Sect, and they don't want to live!"

"Wan Qiushui is my personal apprentice, and today I am bound to avenge him."

The other two looked at each other and smiled, but did not speak.

The Three Swords of the Nose Passage are derived from the martial arts of Shura.

Even if it is a hidden sect, what is the chance of winning?

However, since the head of the Jade Bone Sect is willing to take action, whether it is a defeat or a death or an injury, it will be a great good thing for them at that time!


Everyone in the rivers and lakes has their own thoughts.

Everyone wants to make a name for themselves through this martial arts conference.

Once you become the leader of the martial arts alliance, with the support of the imperial court, you can hold the greatest power in the martial arts.

But no one knew.

By the time they stepped onto the stage, all their desires had been secretly marked with a price.

As the morning sun rises.

Zhuge Qing slowly ascended to the competition platform.

"Today's conference is held by my six doors, so according to the rules, my six doors have the final say."

"The rules of the rivers and lakes."

"One-on-one challenge, the winner becomes the champion."

"Until the strongest person is elected, and the strongest person will become the new leader of the martial arts alliance."

After speaking, Zhuge Qing looked at a high platform behind him.

Inside the high platform, Zhu Qianyuan nodded.

Immediately, the people of Jinyiwei and Dongchang quietly surrounded the venue of the entire martial arts conference, which was to avoid changes.

Waiting for the arrangements to be made, Zhuge Qing said loudly: "Begin!" "

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