Qinglongtang is a small gang with only a dozen people. It usually makes a living by extorting money and collecting protection fees. However, due to the oppression of the conference, its territory is not only pitifully small, but also the most impoverished and remote corner. Life is not easy.

The hall leader Huang Yingjie had been thinking and worrying about the survival of Qinglong Hall. Today, he finally didn't have to worry so much.

The entrance of Qinglong Hall is inside an abandoned temple. The temple was originally a shelter for many homeless beggars. Later, for unknown reasons, all the beggars disappeared. The temple was occupied by Huang Yingjie and became a Entering the entrance of Qinglong Hall.

Huang Yingjie and a dozen brothers were discussing how to make a living tomorrow in a dilapidated temple. When they heard a bang, the rotten and dilapidated door was kicked down, causing Huang Yingjie and a dozen brothers to jump up in shock.

A handsome young man wearing a snow-white fur coat walked in from the outside with his hands behind his back, one step at a time, his expression seemed relaxed and casual.

Master, what do you mean by this? Huang Yingjie suppressed the anger in his heart and asked with a smile on his face and clasped his fists.

No matter what the other party's intention is, it is the rule of the world to salute with fists. This is called salute first and attack later. If the other party does not know how to advance or retreat and is aggressive, then you can only use your fists to reason.

According to the rules of the world, kicking in the door is tantamount to picking a fight, and usually they will fight to the death. However, he and a dozen brothers are just ordinary gangsters, not real desperadoes, and do not have the courage to fight.

Although this handsome young man in front of him is alone, if he dares to fight alone, he must have someone to rely on. He is definitely a fierce dragon crossing the river. Furthermore, look at the snow-white fur coat he is wearing, which is at least worth a lot. Hundreds and thousands of taels of silver, the jade belt around the waist, and the jade pendant hanging around the waist are also worth a lot of money.

He is either rich or noble, with a solid background. Huang Yingjie is also a smart person. He knows that he can't afford to offend him, so he can only give in.

Huang Yingjie, I have taken a liking to your position as the hall leader, so tell me. The handsome young man said with a smile.

He flicked his right hand, and a sheathed dagger flew out of his sleeve. With a clang, it was inserted deep into the hard bluestone slab. The red sword tassel fluttered in the wind, making it particularly conspicuous.

Young master, if you want to be the master of the hall, just do it. Huang gave it up. Huang Yingjie nodded and bowed in panic, with a look of fear and flattery on his face.

Nima could destroy the entire Qinglong Hall hundreds of times with just one hand. He had to hold on until his brain was filled with water. Only by giving in could he save his life.

Assuming you are aware of current affairs, these fifty taels of silver will be divided among the brothers. During this time, I will stay well with you. If anyone goes out to cause trouble, I will chop off his head.

The young and handsome young master threw out five ingots of snowflake silver, and before Huang Yingjie and others could react, he turned around and left, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

With five bang bang bang bang bangs, five white snowflake ingots fell from the sky and landed steadily on the crime table, waking up Huang Yingjie and a dozen of his brothers.

Everyone stared straight at the five white ingots of snowflake silver that blinded their eyes, and they were all stunned again.

After all, Huang Yingjie was the eldest brother. His brain was quick and his reactions were a little faster than ordinary people. He suddenly reached out and slapped a brother standing next to him loudly.

There was a loud snap, startling everyone.

Oh, boss... The younger brother who was slapped covered his face and howled miserably, his eyes full of confusion and grievance.

Does it hurt? Huang Yingjie asked.

Boss, it hurts so much... The younger brother's eyes were full of tears, as if he had just been beaten several times by eighteen tough men, and he was very aggrieved.

Well, it hurts, that's right. I thought it was a dream... Huang Yingjie nodded.

If it weren't for the five ingots of white snowflake silver placed on the broken table, he would have thought it was a dream.

Damn, this is not a sudden disaster, it is simply a pie in the sky.

Everyone, including Huang Yingjie, had the same idea. Working with such a boss who was very powerful in martial arts and rich, and the key was to be generous with his moves, it would definitely be a fun life in the future.

As if they had rehearsed many times, they all bowed and clasped their fists at the door, shouting loudly.

Farewell to the Hall Master.

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