Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 983: The Butterfly Effect

  The audience all know that it is impossible for the umbrella to make such a sound.

  Bo Xuanrui completely transformed into Cheng Yue, scene after scene replayed in his mind, as if repeating that year, his pupils condensed violently, standing still, dazed not knowing how to react.

  Lu Yichen's heart beat hard, even if he knew that Jiajia was not in the movie.

  The reason why he chose Bo Xuanrui to play the role of Cheng Yue was largely because Bo Xuanrui had the same experience as him, and his inner feelings could not be seen by others.

  Lights and shadows were extinguished. On the big screen, Cheng Yue was holding Su Lan's body and suffered a nervous breakdown.

  The depressed cry can be heard clearly in the cinema. Lu Yichen glanced at the audience lightly. The white light curtain shone on the shadowy people. How could they imagine that this is the true story that happened to him and Jiajia?

  He stared at the screen in a daze, his eyes suddenly darkened, and a pair of warm and slender hands covered his eyes.

   "It's all over." Li Jia whispered softly.

  The death of the heroine, the film is not over, Cheng Yue is on the verge of collapse, perhaps, in the eyes of everyone in the play, he is crazy.

  He didn't believe in Sulan's death. Sulan's death made him finally realize what he had done. When he learned from the doctor that Sulan was pregnant, he was stupid.

Once scenes and scenes suddenly made him realize that Su Lan already knew that she would look up information about babies and buy baby products. She wanted to tell him about it. However, before she said it, he did something forever. Can't forgive myself.

  A scene will be played. There have been many scenes, but Borg did not directly point out when he arranged it. Until this moment, through a short replay of the camera, Cheng Yue suddenly understood that the audience suddenly felt a kind of enlightenment.

It turned out that Su Lan once wanted to tell Cheng Yue about this with a pregnancy test report, but that report did not deliberately or explain that the audience was like Cheng Yue, who had not realized this at the time, and Borg originally wanted The feature is noted to tell the audience this.

  But after thinking about it for a long time, I decided to stay at the end to expose it. Only in this way can I realize Cheng Yue's sudden awakening of regret.

  Su Lan found that her body was abnormal and went to the hospital for an examination. When she learned that she was pregnant, her heart was in a mess. She hadn't figured out what to do, and took the pregnancy test report to go home. She planned to tell Cheng Yue, after all, this is her and his child.

  But that time, Cheng Yue brought back Xia Ruoxue. This was the first time he brought home a girl outside. Not only did he bring it back, but even Su Lan’s future sister-in-law.

  Just learned that Su Lan, who was pregnant, was in a state of confusion, Cheng Yue’s approach was undoubtedly a vicious blow, leaving her completely desperate and heartbroken.

When Su Lan and Li Jia were chatting, they also mentioned Cheng Yue in the play with a smile. If she was the Su Lan in the play, she would probably fall in love with Cheng Yue. Cheng Yue is like a poppy full of temptations. You know it is poisonous. Once contaminated, it will be forever, but if you are really contaminated, you can't get rid of it.

Although the thing can be quit theoretically, you have to peel off after you quit. Cheng Yue is Sulan’s poppy. Sulan has to swallow it. There is no way to quit. In the end, she can only choose death.

   "Actually, Su Lan's push was the most terrifying revenge for Cheng Yue."

  Li Jia still remembers these words, she remembered Su Lan’s peculiar eyes when she looked at her, and remembered that she had asked her before she left. "Sometimes, I feel that this story seems to have turned around somewhere, so I became Lu Shao and Mrs. Lu Shao."

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