Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 977: The Ugly Duckling and Swan

"Don't believe in things like'You don't have to show it to others, you can be happy'. Once your behavior is rude and unspeakable, and you are ridiculed and ridiculed by others, it is also caused by your own laziness. Only those who can't change the status quo will comfort themselves. Don’t look at other people’s eyes."

   "Although this is the case, you must remember that you have tried your best. At this time, when others come to taunt you, you don't have to take it seriously, because they have not worked hard."

  The old man said every sentence, when facing Su Lan independently, every sentence was expectation.

  Watching the ugly duckling gradually turn into a white swan, watching the ugly duckling step by step approaching his own world, the audience's mind is complicated and excited.

  Only they know that Su Lan is a swan, not an ugly duckling.

  She would not forget to spread her wings and fly because she grew up on the farm. Even if the old man could not fly, he taught Sulan not to stop at the farm.

  Su Lan started a low-key high school life. At this time, Qiao Yue played the role of Qiao Nan.

  A large part of the young audience sitting in the cinema came for Qiao Nan, but at this moment, seeing Qiao Nan in high school uniform, they realized what they came for.

  Qiaonan is still so handsome!

  School-level handsome guys, every move made the girls stare in their eyes.

When she entered high school, Su Lan became more and more low-key. There is always a pair of glasses on the bridge of her nose, which are the oldest oval glasses a few years ago. No one found that her lenses actually have no power, just ordinary clear glass. .

  She even put on braces, and when people smiled, the first thing people saw was a mouthful of steel teeth. In the end, she was given a nickname in school, called: steel teeth!

  Everyone in the cinema is watching a movie. Everyone has long forgotten what kind of mood they were when they came to the cinema. Seeing these people with blindness to Jin Xiangyu, they are depressed and depressed, but at the same time extremely expecting them to be beaten in the face.

  The most irritating is Cheng Yue. She doesn't look at her sister when she walks. He always thinks she is old-fashioned, and once even blurted out to call her a hillbilly, which shows that she thinks so in her heart.

  Look at this situation, everyone is so angry!

  Don’t understand their Lanlan’s good intentions at all! No matter how high-profile it is, what if someone is kidnapped and threatened to threaten relatives again?

   What’s even more hateful is that these people in the school keep calling "Four-eyed Frog" and "Steel Teeth".

  Call your brother-in-law!

  Wait for Lan Lan to take off her glasses and braces, and you will be beautiful.

  Su Lan was sheltered by the teachers because of her excellent grades in the school. No students in the school dared to bully her blatantly, but they called her steel teeth secretly and face to face.

   However, what balances the hearts of Qiao Nan's fans is that Qiao Nan is really not comparable to ordinary people. When so many people scold Su Lan ugly, the male **** paid attention to her.

  This is also related to this. The origin comes from the final math subject exam. During the exam, the pen of the male **** was taken away by the boy who was jealous of him. The male **** was also very hard and did not say a word.

  While sleeping on the desk like this during the exam, he didn’t care if the teacher knocked him on the desk frequently, because his sleep didn’t affect others. The teacher reminded him several times and didn’t care about him.

Unexpectedly, in the middle of the exam, student Su Lan helped his glasses and finished the test papers the fastest. When he came back after handing in the papers, when he walked to Qiao Yue's desk, he suddenly squatted down and picked up a black gel pen from the floor. , Handed it to Qiao Yue as if he had fallen on the ground, then returned to his seat, packed his things, and turned and walked out of the classroom.

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