After the first three months of dangerous period, the current stage is considered the most comfortable stage of pregnancy. In the later stage, Li Jia knows that various adverse reactions of the body will increase again, and it will not be finished until the child is born.

  She also doesn't want to have another child. She didn't expect to be pregnant with this baby. When the baby is born, she must take strict safety measures for her brother. If this happens again, see if she doesn't kill him!

At this time, the filming of the crew of the City of Despair has been on the right track. Borg led the crew members to start shooting in various locations in the Imperial Capital. Secrecy measures will be taken in every place. Even if someone finds it in the place, except for shooting. The staff and actors of the company do not allow irrelevant people to shoot.

This time, Tender and Li Jun also filmed with the team, but they were responsible for the small anecdotes that happened in the crew, the clips of the City of Despair, and Shenghao set up a propaganda team specifically for this purpose, in order to plan the first few days of the movie. Propaganda began within a month.

  When it comes to publicity, not only the members of the crew are needed, but other aspects also require the efforts of the people behind the publicity department, such as the publicity of the Weibo public account, the news location of large websites, and topic hype.

In modern society, the competition in the film and television industry is fierce, and the smell of wine is also afraid of deep alleys. Many crews will deliberately arrange for relevant photographers to shoot behind-the-scenes footage. Not only do they select some more interesting ones to attract the attention of the audience before the film is officially released, but also after the release. It can also maintain a stable exposure rate for a certain period of time.

Since the shooting of the City of Despair, there have been ups and downs. Shenghao has not officially started large-scale publicity, and the topic on the Internet has never been interrupted, and even the publicity fee has been saved. Unfortunately, among the ten people, probably one or two said absolutely I look forward to it, I will definitely watch it when it is released. These two people are generally the brains of the two big movie kings.

  There are one or two people who are on the sidelines and express their opinions after the show. These people are more sensible.

  In addition, the vast majority of people have been deeply baptized by the nausea of ​​the previous Desperate City crew, expressing absolute contempt for the vulgarity of the Desperate City and the characters of the heroes and heroines, with constant verbal abuse.

   "Anything bad can be made into a movie these days."

   "I'm not afraid of hot eyes when I look at this trash? Haha!"

   "Trash movie! Insulting IQ, and the two big movie stars grabbing roles? Who is rare for the male protagonist of such a bad movie? Will the crew die if they don't hype?"

   "You will never waste money going to the cinema to watch this stuff!"

Every time the relevant media reports about the City of Despair, the following is full of scolding, but perhaps because of the participation of two major topics in this crew, and the newly emerging Sulan joining as the heroine, the filming started. Various situations have emerged, so although everyone scolded the City of Despair, they were still curious to see the news of this crew.

  As a result, the number of clicks and attention of this kind of news is not bad, which has led to many media deliberately distorting reports to attract attention, attracting more topics and increasing the popularity of the film, but also bringing a large number of black fans to the film.

  It can even be said that the film has only been filming for two months, and the dog has been scolded bloody.

The members of the crew are not in the mood to care about how to abuse it outside. Borg is a rigorous director. He has dabbled in all types of movies. During the shooting process, he strives for perfection, and the performance is not good. He repeats it over and over again. People are not polite.

  The members of the crew work hard all day to learn the script and familiarize themselves with the lines, and they have to pre-act against other actors and fall asleep when they are free. How can they have time to pay attention to online voices?

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