Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 959: Brother misses Jiajia

   "What's going on?" Li Jia was in shock, holding the car seat to fix her body, and looking out the car window.

  "Young lady." Uncle Liu who was driving was also shocked, his voice trembled.

Li Jia saw the tall and tall figure standing in the middle of the road, standing like a javelin, and furiously: "Uncle Liu, ran into him directly and failed to hit him halfway up. See if he would dare to do such a dangerous thing next time! "

   Li Jia was angry in the neutral position, a certain neurotic man standing in the middle of the road went around the front of the car, saw Jia Jia sitting in the back seat, and walked over.

  The bodyguard in the position of the passenger immediately got out of the car and opened the door of the back seat for him. The man bent over and looked in. He showed a gentle smile at the angry Li Jia and sat beside her. "Jia Jia."

  The bodyguard closes the door and sits back in the front passenger position without squinting.

  Li Jiayu's anger remained unresolved, and he was very rude to the man who posted it. "Who are you?"

   "Jia Jia, don't be angry anymore." Lu Yichen was flattering and flattering, and put his arms around Xiaojiao's waist.

The sun at the end of the spring was not too strong, and I don’t know how long he squatted outside. His face was flushed from the sun. He wore a black suit. The tie was meticulous and did not dissipate heat at all. The hair on the temples was sweaty. Soaked.

   Seeing his virtue, Li Jia was angry and distressed, and fiercely grabbed his collar and tore a seam. "Go home first."

  She loosened Song Lu Yichen's tie, her fingers touched the inside of his clothes, her skin was hot and wet, and the inside was wet with sweat. She took out a paper towel from the small compartment in the car and wiped his sweat off for him.

  Lu Yichen's dark eyes stared at her with a smile, watching her busy with herself.

Li Jia was afraid that the temperature of the air conditioner in the car was too low, which would make him easily catch a cold and fever from hot sweats. So Liu Shu turned off the air conditioner and opened the windows for ventilation. When the car was driving, the temperature of the wind was blowing into the car. Jia pulled her brother by the collar, letting the wind blow to cool off.

  Lu Yichen followed her with a smile, holding her waist with sticky hands, and occasionally touching the small hills of Jiajia's lower abdomen.

   "Good fragrance." Lu Yichen leaned toward Jiajia's neck, the fresh and elegant fragrance lingered, causing him to sigh low, and kiss his sister's neck.

   "Deadly open, a scent of sweat." Li Jia scolded very simply, but did not push him away, slender and cold fingers held a tissue around his neck and wiped the sweat from the back of his neck.

  Lu Yichen laughed lowly, wiping oil on Jiajia like a shame. "Brother misses Jiajia."

  Li Jia rolled his eyes, and only separated for a few hours. "Have you eaten yet?"


   "..." Li Jia sighed slightly, could only go back and talk, and then asked, "When did you come here?"

"At noon." He finished the company's affairs as quickly as possible, and was about to go back to accompany Jiajia. He called home and said that Jiajia had not returned and went to the military compound. He called Jiajia and followed him. The protecting bodyguard confirmed, after that, he had been outside waiting for her to come out.

   "Thirsty?" Li Jia saw that he was sweating so much, and took out an unopened bottle of mineral water from the car and handed it to him.

  Lu Yichen twisted the bottle cap, his handsome face flushed from excessive sun exposure rubbed against Jiajia, his smile was gentle and watery. "Jia Jia still loves brother."

  He feels a little more comfortable after drinking a whole bottle of mineral water in one sip.

Li Jia's eyes jumped, and he warned: "Next time, don't do such a stupid thing. Don't I call home and say that I will go home later? You are still standing outside so stupidly. If I spend the night in the military compound, Do you want to stand all night? You dare to rush to the front of the car and stop the car. Thanks to Liu Shu who has been driving for more than ten years, if you are a novice, a wheel will run over your head! See if you still stop the car!"

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