This old man is still the same as before. He can't listen to other people's opinions at all. Up to now, Tianheng Entertainment has only one Qiaonan who can take the shot. What is the second child? The rising Yiteng Entertainment has already overwhelmed Tianheng, and in a few years, Tianheng will probably go downhill.

Qiao Nan stayed there and had no good future at all, that is, because he was the only son of Qiao Shiming, Qiao Shiming couldn’t manage, and others didn’t dare to control. Only by Ji Chen’s good foresight and Qiao Nan’s increasing acting skills could he maintain his exposure. Where can the people of Tianheng Entertainment come to the present?

  Such a big thing has happened, and it’s still holding back.

   Duan Xiu endured this Qiao Shiming spray for ten minutes, and found a reason to hang up. There was a clamor and footsteps outside the hospital.

   "Let one let! Let one let!"

   "It's Qiao Nan! Does he have a face?"

   "If Bo Xuanrui is not fate, he will die on the spot this time!"

   "What Joe, in private, who knows what good stuff is?"

Duan Xiu frowned, and Shao Lu asked him to wait for Qiao Nan to come here. He was also very surprised. Normal people are probably thinking about how to keep Qiao Nan away from trouble as much as possible. It is no wonder that Qiao Shiming is so angry that he thinks he is vital. His son.

  He didn't know what Lu Shao was thinking. When he was thinking about it, he saw Qiao Nan strode in. He was wearing a black casual suit and a peaked cap and came in under the **** of a bodyguard.

  Duan Xiu led someone to pick him up. When the reporter saw him, they all rushed over at the smell.

   "President Duan, do you have any thoughts on your artist being murdered by a rival company artist?"

  "Excuse me, is it true that Qiao Nan wanted to take the role and cause Bo Xuanrui to have a car accident?"

   "Qiao Nan, are you dissatisfied with the male number three and want to replace Bo Xuanrui's male number one?"

   "Bo Xuanrui has always had a bad relationship with you. Are you afraid of revenge from his fans when you put such a cruel hand on him?"

  When this question came up, a young man in the crowd picked up a bottle full of mineral water and threw it at Qiao Nan. "go to hell!"

  Duan Xiu's face changed. "Be careful!"

  Zhao Xun raised his hand, slapped the mineral water bottle away, and smashed the bottle open.

   "Grab him!" Duan Xiu yelled, and the two bodyguards rushed out of the crowd and ran towards the group of men throwing water bottles. He knelt on the ground with a kick and restrained him backhand.

  Qiao Nan glanced at the chaos at the scene, without saying a word, Duan Xiu hurried over. "Are you OK?"

  He saw Zhao Wenhai, Li Jun and Gentle next to Qiao Nan, and he was taken aback. "Why are you here?"

   "It was Jiajia who asked us to follow, and we can follow along at any time." Gentle blinked at him.

  Li Jun carried the camera and nodded honestly.

  Qiao Nan was taken aback for a moment, and said: "How is Bo Xuanrui's injury?"

   "It's okay, Lu Shao just went in, let you in as soon as you come. There are a few people in the crew, and Su Lan is also there."

  The bodyguard separated the crowded reporters, and Duan Xiu led Qiao Nan with them.

  Bo Xuanrui did a full-body examination and confirmed that there was no damage to the internal organs, except that his arms and side face were a little scratched, and it was fine after a few days of raising.

  Lu Yichen understood all the situation, and glanced at Su Lan beside Bo Xuanrui. "You have a good skill."

  At the most critical moment, Bo Xuanrui carried a big man out of the car.

  "Students of Oriental Physical Skills for several years." Su Lan's gaze at Lu Yichen was strange. "I heard that the new script of "City of Despair" was adapted by you and your wife?"

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