Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 932: Lu Shao Xianjian

  "Goddess, did you know that you have a superbirth? Although the country can have a second child, four kindergartens can be opened!"

  Everyone was surprised by the news, but they all thought it was the rhinoceros who deliberately said this to block Weicheng.

  Speaking of which, Weicheng is Shao Lu! The young master of creation, a huge business empire with hundreds of billions of assets, and feeding countless people, how beautiful rhinos are? If he knew that Weicheng was Shao Lu, he wouldn't say that at all.

   "She is going to divorce the Weicheng Great God? Isn't she crazy?"

   "Is this another Liu Feifei?"

   "I didn't say it, she didn't know that Weicheng was Shao Lu, if she knew, she would definitely be reluctant to do it."

  Many people who don’t know the truth stared at Liu Feifei with an extremely unfriendly look. Liu Feifei dared to throw the Bo actor away and did not look in the mirror to see what she was like.

  Now, I don’t know where a rhino came from, but dare to do this kind of thing again, and he may regret it afterwards.

When Liu Feifei learned that Weicheng was Lu Yichen, she was so shocked that she couldn't believe it, and sat motionless.

  Even more unexpectedly, the rhino is a female!

Now it's ridiculous. This woman still looks down on Weicheng, and she divorced Weicheng when she came up. Liu Feifei sneered in her heart, but prayed that Weicheng would not tell her her identity and let the rhinoceros be embarrassed in front of so many people, and wait until she knows she has dumped her. Who is the man, isn't he the same as himself?

  If it weren’t for a rhino, she wouldn’t be where she is now.

  She couldn’t wait for Lu Shao to press consent immediately.

  But unfortunately, Lu Yichen has already rejected.

  Li Jia looked at the system prompting the other party to reject her request and frowned.

"You should be clear about the current situation, and I will tell you about this." Li Jia's voice clearly echoed in the current competition room, whether it is the onlookers of Shengshi online game players, or the players watching live. .

  She explained seriously: "I am already married. I don't want to have any marriage relationship with anyone other than my husband, even games."

  She ordered divorce again. "Except for the last decisive battle of the last cross-server guild battle, I have not logged in to my account some time ago. The marriage relationship with your account occurred during the hacking period and has nothing to do with me. Please understand."

  Li Jia was already a little unhappy, and the other party once again refused her reasonable request!

  Looking at the rejection prompt on the computer screen, Li Jia became angry. The pregnant woman couldn't stand the challenge. Just now, she was so kind and persuaded that the other party was so shameless.

Li Jia turned his head angrily, and said to the photographer beside him: "The game is such a big bug! Divorced requires two people to agree at the same time. Can't one of them forcefully divorce! A **** who deceives a marriage can play a trick if it is a game. !"

  She quickly tapped the keyboard, and the female archer jumped up angrily, took up the longbow in her hand, and took a picture of Weicheng who had just stood up!

  Everyone on the scene watched in amazement as the Great God Weicheng, who had just recovered his health, was beaten by a longbow, unexpectedly bursting out a crit, and the character immediately lost a small amount of blood.


  The angry woman is really unreasonable.

  However, when everyone saw the front of the rhino from the photographer's lens, they saw the pair of turquoise eyes, and suddenly a thunder blasted above their heads.

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