Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 927: Rhino asked to challenge Chaoyu in Weicheng

   "It's really An Su Su, right?"

   "We all know her, she must be a public figure too!"

   "Oh my God! Who are these Dragon Wings Guild? Why do so many celebrities suddenly appear?"

  Everyone guesses various answers and communicates with each other to see who the rhino might be.

The people in the Dragon Wings Guild were even more excited. The dozens of people who knew the true identity of the rhino whispered to their unknowing teammates, whispering to them that the rhino had been to the second floor before and met with them, which they absolutely never expected. people.

  "Stop selling off, who is it?"

   "Is it really An Su Su? Or Bing Tian Tian?"

  This is to be curious!

   "The president must know."

  Most people in Dragon Wings Guild regretted that they should stay on the second floor for a while and rushed up, but they didn't meet the rhino.

  Bo Xuanrui smiled and said to the curious people and the host: "Actually, I am more curious about who Chaoyu in Weicheng is than a rhino. The rhino will tell you later..."

  Bo Xuanrui said this, reaching out to the scrolling screen behind the venue and saying: "The rhino is asking to challenge Chaoyu in Weicheng!"

  Everyone was taken aback, following the direction of his fingers, they saw that the new content had been replaced.

The host announced loudly: "Everyone must really want to know who the rhino is, and I am also very curious, but before announcing the identity, the rhino wants to solve a matter that everyone is curious about, so he proposed this challenge. The two sides are currently in the computer room. Each does not know the identity of each other, everyone can watch the big screen!"

  Bo Xuanrui and the host retreated to both sides, and the background computer room appeared on the central screen.

  Because Li Jia did not say that he has announced his identity now, the photographer was confessed by Ruan Qu and deliberately selected a lens where the front face cannot be seen.

  Everyone can only see a slender girl approaching the computer desk through the big screen, and the bodyguard next to her opens the seat for her. When she sits down, she picks up the headset and puts it on her head.

   "The bodyguard standing next to her is familiar."

   "Isn't it the two people who are rumored to be Rhino and Weicheng?"

  Someone finally discovered this problem.

  However, more people are sure that Rhino is really a girl!

Even if you can't see her face, you can feel her calmness and calmness. The camera gave her a close-up of her hands. These are the hands of a slender, white young girl. The hands are very beautiful, with slender fingers and distinct phalanges. However, everyone is more What you can see clearly is the bright red rose on the back of her hand!

  The bright, **** rose is in bud, and the fingers are as white as jade. Under the sharp contrast, the visual impact is great, which makes people tremble inexplicably.

so beautiful.

  A Rui's gaze has been fixed on the big screen, the screen pixels are clear, everything seems to happen in front of him, he looks at the girl's hands on the screen.

The hand condition is very good, the fingers are slender, and they are naturally superior. This is a pair of pampered hands. Logically speaking, this is a pair of ladies' hands, but the noble lady is very disdainful to get tattoos. Why does she get a tattoo on the back of her hand? rose?

  "A rose tattooed on the back of the hand..." Off the field, some people just felt that something flashed through their minds.

   is a bit familiar, as if I have seen it somewhere.

  When the host saw the rose, his eyes widened suddenly, and he suddenly remembered where he saw the rose!

  She was so excited that she could not hold on to herself, it turned out to be her! No wonder even Bo Xuanrui said he was scared.

  It's a pity that she can't announce it yet. She can only endure the urge to tell everyone and stare at the screen.

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