Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 920: they are not! ! !

  As soon as she saw the content on the sign, she looked dazed.

  A Rui, who was standing next to her, also saw it, his eyebrows frowned slightly.

  I saw only four words on it, with three big exclamation marks behind the words, expressing the choreographer’s irritable mood: they are not! ! !


  Not Weicheng and Rhino?

How can it be?

  Just as the director was about to continue explaining, A Rui took the microphone and spoke, staring at the front corner of the auditorium. "This audience seems to want to be on stage? Why don't I change my wish."

  He smiled unkindly, and the gentleman looked at the host beside him, smiling very cutely.

  The host wished that he would not have any more accidents. He turned his eyes to where he was looking, and when he saw the people sitting there, his eyes lighted slightly, and he thought to himself that this is another excellent topic. "Naturally, I don't know what A Rui is talking about, but the beauty in the goose yellow skirt in the front row?"

  The audience under the stage is very dissatisfied with this. Isn’t this a diversion? A Rui won't be bought, right?

  But as the lighting engineer turned the lights over, when everyone saw the person pointed by A Rui, their eyes suddenly widened, and there was no dissatisfaction.

   "It's her." Li Jia didn't expect things to change suddenly.

  Lu Yichen's long, narrow and deep phoenix eyes stared at the girl in the goose yellow short skirt who was slightly nervous walking onto the stage, and the cold light flashed under his eyes.

  He just called Ruan Qu back, walked to Jia Jia, and saw Liu Feifei following Jia Jia’s sight.

  Unexpectedly, she would come.

   Liu Feifei stood on the stage. The host’s attitude was kind and enthusiastic. There was nothing wrong or despised. She pretended not to recognize Liu Feifei, and smiled: "Which district is the beauty from? What kind of career is she playing?"

  "The pastor of District One." Liu Feifei felt lingering.

   There was a boo in the audience, and Liu Feifei's face flushed.

  A Rui is a character who is afraid of the chaos of the world. He deliberately said: "The beauty looks a lot like the wife of the leader of the Dragon Wings Guild. It is said that the rhinoceros who ran away in the forum were a human monster and were arrested by the police."

   Liu Feifei's face was red and white, her heart suffocated, and her angry eyes stared at the aggressive A Rui. "Sorry!"

"It's useless to say sorry to me. Carefully speaking, your words are not wrong. Now everyone knows that a rhino is a man. You say he is a ladyboy. It's not wrong at all. Calling him a **** has also been proved to be true. Don't you feel wronged?" A Rui looked at the direction where the beam was shining just now, but there was no strong light shining at this time. Looking down from the stage, he couldn't see the specific situation.

"I heard that the president of the Dragon Wings Guild reported his wife in order to support his brother, and abandoned her when the other party was the worst. Does Dragon Wing owe you an apology?" A Rui stared at the surprised Liu Feifei.

   Liu Feifei raised her head to look at A Rui, he actually spoke for himself?

  The host didn’t know if Rhino and Weicheng were the two handsome guys just now, but at least they knew the identity of Dragon Wing. She heard A Rui’s breath and looked at Liu Feifei’s aggrieved appearance, and she couldn’t get angry.

  How could the actor Bo go to report Liu Feifei? The official official of the game knew that she was vengeful against Rhinoceros. The police came to the door and told Liu Feifei to surrender. As a result, the woman fell on Dragon Wing’s head without saying anything, and she poured dirty water on Dragon Wing on the public channel. Countless pairs of eyes have witnessed it.

  I thought so in my heart, but on the surface it was still very enthusiastic. "It turned out to be Liu Feifei. I don't know what you need to say about Dragon Wing, Weicheng, and Rhino? Especially Dragon Wing. I heard that you were very angry at his report?"

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