Her brother said that she had seen Dragon Wing, but she never thought it would be Bo Xuanrui.

  She and Bo Xuanrui also met each other, that is, "seen", other than that, they were completely strangers.

   "Bo Xuanrui is the one who endorses the prosperous game?" Li Jia asked.

  She had heard of this, but did not ask deeply, and Mr. Yu nodded. "I heard that he is also a senior player of Shengshi Games and the president of Dragon Wings Guild, and he is also on the list of official invitations."

  Li Jia:...

  Listen, everyone really confirmed.

  Excited, wishing to grow a pair of wings and immediately fly to the third floor.

   "Let’s go up! Go up!"

   "The president is so handsome! I can't believe it! My idol! He turned out to be the president!"

  Several girls rushed to the stairs excitedly, and did not wait for the elevator to climb.

After a while, the hall became empty, leaving the vice president, as well as a dozen people around Lemon and Jian Feng. Everyone was very excited, but the matter with Li Jia hadn't been settled yet, and they stood there waiting for the deputy. The chairman asked who Li Jia was.

  Yu and the seven or eight waiters who came down next to him still stood respectfully on the spot, even their posture did not change.

  They met a lot of upper-class people, celebrities and so on. He could understand ordinary players' pursuit of celebrities, but he knew who was more important at this moment.

Hearing what Ruan Qu said, the two **** men who were speculated indiscriminately a while ago went from the game to the reality event had a certain impact on the reputation of Shengshi Games, although this kind of incident brought a large part of the game traffic to the game, But everyone is just watching the excitement and it won't stay long at all.

  More important is how to keep everyone with the most perfect experience, and at the same time correct the crooked public opinion orientation that doesn’t know where to go.

  Looking at Ruan Qu, who was faintly excited and not worried at all, there must be some way to reverse it.

He doesn't understand this. Recently, he was hooked and wanted to check out this game, but he was stuck in the thirty-fifth level dungeon. He couldn't beat the big boss inside. Waiting for the busy days to finish. Go down to harass Ruan Qu and see how to get a copy.

  He heard that Shao Zong and Madam Shao were both playing this game, and they were both great god-level figures in the first district. If this were announced to the public, coupled with the influence of Bo Xuanrui, Ruan Qu would have a big deal.

  "Excuse me, Mr. Yu is the general manager of the Imperial Hotel Yu Qingtang?" The vice chairman suddenly asked Mr. Yu.

  Yu Qingtang nodded. "Exactly."

  The vice chairman wanted to say something but stopped, but did not ask too much, secretly surprised, Yu Qingtang is the boss of the Imperial Hotel! Why is he so respectful to a girl so much younger than him?

  What is her identity?

   "I don't know what the classmate's name is in the game?" the vice president asked.

   "Yeah, you never told us." Another young man behind Jian Feng followed closely.

  "Didn't you say that I belonged to our guild?" Jian Feng's attitude was not very friendly.

  Li Jia smiled and said, "Didn't I tell you?"

  She looked at the dozen people in front of her, took off her sunglasses, revealing a pair of bright green eyes like gems. "Before you ask me, should you introduce yourself first?"

  As soon as her eyes appeared, the rare pupil color made people startled. When she saw her facial features, there was a kind of visual surprise.

  What a beautiful mixed race!

  However, just after the thought, I immediately thought of one person, a dozen people present, and almost stared out.

  "You, you, you...you are..."

   "I am a rhino, and the game ID is'Rhinoceros'." Li Jia smiled slyly.

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