Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 907: Ran to the second floor to plug in

   "It should not be, the surname Lang is too unreliable, and there is no dragon wing calm and calm." Li Jia immediately rejected it.

   "Isn't it Dad?" Li Jia said again.

  "..." Lu Yichen was convinced by Jiajia's imagination.

  The insider of Shengshi Game who was following by the side almost knelt on Li Jia’s magical pen, what did the young lady think?

  How did you think of Mr. Lu?

  "Not Dad? According to Longyi's dull and unpleasant character, the real age is at least forty years old. I don't seem to be particularly familiar with this kind of people." Li Jia thought about all the people he knew.

  A few are in line, but they don’t go to play games.

  "He is also in his twenties." Lu Yichen prompted.

   "Twenties..." Li Jia continued to think. At this time, a group of people had already got on the elevator in batches. "Colonel Hang? Impossible! How can he have time to play games? Qiao Nan said he played games, but he seems to be in the third district..."

  Li Jia guessed, and finally didn’t want to guess. "Hurry up and tell me who it is?"

   "Jia Jia will know in a while, he will be there at the end."

  The elevator reached the second floor. Li Jia didn't know what she was thinking. She reached out and clicked the button on the second floor.

  The elevator to the third floor opens on the second floor.

   "Jiajia?" Lu Yichen was helpless.

  Li Jia took a big sunglasses from Lu Yichen and handed him his big brown frame. "You go up first! Let me look at the big guys of Dragon Wing Guild first, your face recognition is too high, you are not allowed to follow me!"

  Li Jia pushed him into the elevator, but Lu Yichen was helpless and asked the bodyguard to follow Jiajia.

  She looked at the four bodyguards in the elevator, her eyes lightened slightly. "Da Liu and Zhao Fal are here! Come out!"

  Lu Yichen knew that she wanted to mess with these two people when she saw her.

  Now, the players in the Shengshi game all think that Liu is a rhino, and Zhao Feng is Chaoyu in Weicheng!

  Da Liu and Zhao Xun also knew this, so they could only follow out with a sullen face.

  The two of them wore exactly the same black uniforms of bodyguards, handsome and indifferent.

  Originally, a large group of bodyguards would go together and they would be ignored, but if two people came out alone, it was very eye-catching, and they could not be seen as bodyguards.

  Dali and Zhao Jun, before they became bodyguards, it is said that they had seen the gate and guarded the crossroads. Of course, they were retired special forces when they watched the gate security earlier, otherwise they would not be favored by Lu Yichen.

  Li Jia pointed out the two of them, stood in front of them, elbow with one hand, touched the chin, and nodded in satisfaction. "Yes, stylish! Cool!"

  The characters of the two are relatively dull. Since they have a deep understanding of the mischievous personality of the eldest lady, they can only express their rejection with facial paralysis.

  However, rejection is invalid.

Li Jia put on his sunglasses and walked in front of the two of them, and even deliberately asked Liu and Zhao Fal to keep their pace. They didn't have to think about what she wanted to do. They just looked at the staff around them with a strange expression. , You know that the psychological activities of these waiters will certainly not praise them for being handsome.

  "Waitress, where is the full house?" Li Jia pushed the sunglasses. To be honest, it is not suitable to wear sunglasses indoors, the light is too dark!

  She stared at the waiter with one eye out.

  The waiter did not recognize that the little girl in front of her who was exuding "I am a black|society big sister" was their young wife, but politely smiled and said: "Please follow me."

  The players who went to Jinyumantang were all players in the game of prosperity. It is said that they are members of the Dragon Wings Guild, the second largest guild in the first district.

  It is also possible that there is this little girl in front of the members.

  She was planning to lead Li Jia and the two black-faced elder brothers behind her together, but she didn't expect Li Jia to play the cards according to common sense.

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