Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 902: I can't play Qiao Yue

  Ji Chen couldn't help holding up a coffee cup and looking at the amazing-looking Mrs. Lu Shao in front of him. She is not as famous as meeting, and she looks more vivid and beautiful than the photos.

   is really a powerful gene.

  As a big family with good looks, it is difficult for a child to mutate a gene into a crooked melon.

   "I'm so important to me? I heard that this role has been chosen. I will definitely be criticized if I drop by like this." Qiao Nan held a white porcelain coffee cup in his white palm and looked at Li Jia with a smile.

"are you scared?"

   "What's so scary about?" Qiao Nan shook his head and smiled. "Our business has always been like this, and we have been talking about it, the more popular it gets, the more so."

  If one day nobody cares about you at all, it is a tragedy.

  Li Jia smiled upon hearing this. "Would you like to try? No one is more suitable for this role than you."

  "Can you tell me the reason?" Qiao Nan asked with a smile.

   "Because Qiao Yue is you." Li Jia said seriously.

  Qiao Yue is the male third in "City of Despair". In the movie, he was originally from a wealthy family. After joining the entertainment circle, he became popular for a while and was also a first-line superstar. However, his final ending was not good.

  He was exposed to white powder during his career ascendant, ruining his career in acting, and was sent to a drug rehabilitation center.

  This is a line added afterwards. When Li Jia saw her brother write the ending of this character little by little, he was totally unbelievable.

  Qiao Nan heard this, his ruddy lips moved, and he looked at Li Jia seriously.

  In fact, when he was invited by Shenghao Duanxiu, he had already read the story of Qiao Yue in the original script in detail. The first half of the script did resemble him. He was surprised at this point, but it didn't look like it later.

  He has seen the story and suspected that Lu Yichen wanted to put the story of him and Jiajia on the screen, but later rejected this speculation. Seeing the ending, the hero and the hero are dead. How could Lu Yichen curse himself?

Since he had not signed any contract before, the crew invited him to participate in Qiao Yue when he only had Qiao Yue's play and the script outline. He did not know the details. He found the original screenwriter You Jing's manuscript afterwards. It was not that he said that the original script was bad. Vulgar story.

The heroes and heroines of the whole story are not pleasing. He can't stand it until half of the story. He still endures it. He doesn't like the character of the heroine. He is too soft and the bun is too cowardly. The hero is rich and beautiful. There is not much to watch, it's just a vulgar love tragedy written by a self-pity person who can only touch her.

  If he is really a male No. 3, it is absolutely impossible to like a small white flower in a greenhouse. Whenever he encounters a problem, he only knows that he can cry pitifully, which is not his food at all.

Or maybe it was too badly poisoned by the original script. He saw Qiao Yue's setting in the adapted script. He was very upset. He didn't understand why Qiao Yue liked the dodder flower Sulan in the script and would ruin it for her. I have a great future.

  He doesn't like this story very much. If Sulan's character is based on Jiaer, it is an insult to Jiaer!

  He declined Duan Xiu’s invitation.

  But he did not expect that Jiaer would come to him in person.

  He endured forbearance, and said: "Su Lan, I don't like it, I can't play Qiao Yue well."

   "Why do you think so?"

  Qiaonan shook his head and chuckled. "I like brave girls, dare to love and hate, self-esteem and self-love, not the dodder who lives in Cheng's house."

  The male lead Cheng Yue and female lead Su Lan in "City of Despair", he is not happy.

  "Have you read the script?" Li Jia laughed.

   "I have seen it." Qiao Nan nodded honestly.

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