Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 898: Hello, Mrs. Lu Shao!

"The City of Despair designed by Jasper Allenby, you don’t know anything. I thought of this story when I saw this purple diamond ring. I don’t know the reason. When I saw it, I seemed to talk. After I went back, I thought of such a story overnight, but unfortunately, my story ended with a tragic ending and was not liked by the public."

  The "City of Despair" originated from lisianthus flowers. Everyone knows that lisianthus flowers represent desperate love. If you want a happy ending, you can't achieve the result she wants.

   Thinking of this, she hesitated and said: "I heard that Shenghao will make some changes to the script. I know that I have sold the script. I shouldn't say anything else, just..."

   "You said." Lu Yichen's brows were gentle, he was in a good mood, and he couldn't tell what it was like when You Jing mentioned the ring.

   seems to be expected, and there is a kind of unexpected complexity.

"I know that in the modern film and television drama market, in the genre of rich love, my story is not very popular, but the true meaning of'City of Despair' is desperate love. If it ends in a happy ending, it is no longer in line with'City of Despair.' 'Meaning."

  She looked at Lu Yichen hopefully, hoping that he could change his mind.

  Lu Yichen smiled at the corners of his lips, and his voice sounded like a spring breeze. "I know what Miss You meant. I will consider one or two. The ending of the City of Despair has already happened and I will not change it, but the story will not end there."

  You Jing didn't quite understand what he meant, so she could only laugh with her.

  "Knock." The door of the room was knocked several times at this time, and it was pushed aside after a few seconds. The bodyguards standing still did not move.

  You Jing was surprised when she heard a clear female voice ringing outside the door. "Brother, why are you disobedient, be careful..."

  Li Jia walked two steps, only to find a guest sitting on the sofa with her back facing her. When she came in, the other party had already stood up from the sofa and couldn't help but look at her excitedly.

Li Jia glanced around and saw Yu Qing standing on the side. Thinking of what her brother had mentioned to her yesterday, he quickly adjusted his expression, approached You Jing with a smile, and smiled: "This must be Miss You, very happy. see you."

  She stretched out her hand, and You Jing quickly put down the tea cup and held her hand. "Lu... Mrs. Lu Shao, hello!"

  You Jing recognized this lady Lu Shao whose life is full of legends at a glance. Isn't her story vaguely mixed with Mrs. Lu Shao's experience?

   was originally looked down upon by everyone. The adopted daughter of the Lu family under the fence was looked down upon by people who stood with Lu Shao. However, those who looked down on her were beaten in the face by reality.

  Lu Shao, who has always been out of the nickname, changed her former sorrow from a sibling to a husband and wife. She has a pair of fetuses under her knees and both children. Now she is pregnant again. She is a winner in life.

  It’s just that Mrs. Lu Shao’s identity is too scary. If her story is the same as Mrs. Lu Shao’s, no one would want to ask for her script again.

   "Miss You's story is very interesting. I believe that talented people will have a bright day."

  Li Jia put aside some snacks he made, and smiled and chatted with You Jing.

  You Jing was still a bit cramped at first, but Li Jia's state was casual and natural. Just like when she talked to ordinary friends, You Jing quickly forgot the nervousness and explained the source of her inspiration.

  No matter how introverted and less-spoken people are, once they talk about the field they are best at, they will become eloquent geniuses.

  You Jing talked about the story of her own creation, the same.

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