Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 896: The man puts on his pants and refuses

  Even some second-rate film and television companies don’t look up to the script. This kind of routine has been a trend many years ago. Now who is regarded as the dead man and woman? The key is that the ending is still so miserable.

   Even many people have the same idea as Jiajia, maybe going to the cinema is for the purpose of the hero and the hero finally killing himself?

Although    is a joke, it does illustrate the gloomy prospects. Before Bo Xuanrui even went up, it already made people feel that their brains were sick. As a result, it was not long before Shenghao bought it directly.

why like this?

  It's not just that others don't understand what it means, but Bo Xuanrui, who has always wanted to appear in this movie, is stunned.

  Why suddenly bought out a movie about to start?

  Buyout means that in addition to the script's authorship, which is the screenwriter, if you give enough money at one time, the script is completely owned by Shenghao.

  Including film and television copyrights are also owned by Shenghao.

  Duan Xiu wondered what Lu Yichen wanted to do? Is this waste utilization? He looked through the script again, and he wanted to scold the scumbag men and women, okay! Pack children, plus dead men! He is not happy with this man.

  I really don’t know which of Lu Shao’s tendons has been messed up.

  When Lu Yichen got the script, he couldn't bear it when he saw the character of the characters. Li Jia vomited while watching, to prevent her brother from thinking of the heroine as her.

  God knows, no Xiaosan dared to bully her like that back then!

  At most, I just texted her and called her disgusted, and then was retaliated by her brother, without having to do it myself.

  She is not the type who suffers from swallowing in her stomach at all. When she receives a bit of grievance, she will complain immediately. The tragedy of her previous life is that her brother gave her everything, and no one else can afford it.

"You have to adapt it! I'm not satisfied, don't even want to start shooting!" Li Jia watched the hostess silently crying when she was so angry that she was so angry that she was silently caring for her brother. I love you very much, but I just don't say it, I feel like I want to smoke people.

  Lu Yichen couldn't smile, watching Jiajia's face change from time to time, until Jiajia pointed to the plot and started to vomit him, his smile couldn't hold back.

"Actually, when she confessed, her brother would also want to save face, and said with a smile, sister, I am your brother! You must not love me, this is not right, this is to be laughed at, so we still do Brother and sister who love each other..."

  Lu Yichen:...

"Look, there is here. She can sleep so comfortably for her brother. Maybe she thinks her brother will be responsible? In fact, for this kind of thing, a man puts on his pants and refuses to admit it. It is stupid to get along for so many years. In this way, you can't see the reality!"

  Lu Yichen:...

  "And here, brother, look..." Li Jia patted her brother's sleeve.

  Lu Yichen helpless: "What Jiajia said is."

   Feeling scolding him, is it his illusion? It must be an illusion.

  After reading the script, the two of them whispered and discussed for a whole day, and they were motivated to make changes.

  Lu Yichen looked at Jiajia's serious corrections. With her smiling expression, she had a little bit of understanding of Jiajia's state of mind in accordance with the various revisions of the heroine.

  "Here needs to be changed. I think about it, she will definitely go to this dangerous party."

   "Why? Her brother said not to go."

   "Her brother will definitely be worried about picking her up. If he doesn't go, her brother will definitely not come back tonight. Who knows which little secret is talking about love?"

   "That's also dangerous." He didn't talk about love with any secretaries!

   "Isn't there any danger at all? It's okay for her to punch a group of hooligans! Give a reason, her brother! Are you stupid?"

  Lu Yichen:...

  He is really stupid.

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