Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 890: This is definitely the rhythm of kneeling on the washboard!

  Now, it can be counted as dead.

Shao Lu had a headache. He didn't expect to make such a big move. He completely ignored the popularity of his account, which caused Wannian single to marry suddenly. The people who coveted his fat became angry and provoke Jiajia to such a big deal. trouble.

  Li Jia knew that this matter was known to her brother, and he must intervene. Fortunately, she doesn’t want to care about it anymore. "I see, you don't need to find Ruan Qu, take care of your bones!"

   "Jiajia, don't tell strangers your phone number next time!" Lu Shao was very upset.

  "Didn't you see the text messages sent by the other party?" Li Jia rolled her eyes. She didn't want to talk about a voyeuristic perverted hobby. She checked her mobile phone every time. Longyi's text messages were deleted by her brother at that time.

  Otherwise, knowing that she gave her cell phone number to a strange man, he will be squeaking again.

  Speaking of it, her brother’s stinking problem has not been corrected for two lives!

  She discovered his perverted voyeurism in her previous life, and always taught her not to fall in love with each other. When she was in college, a boy who walked close would be suppressed by him and said she was in love!

  I’m in college, I fell in love early!

  Li Jia muttered in her heart, and she hung up after talking to her brother.

  Lu Yichen breathed a sigh of relief, and just hung up the phone, the door was knocked twice.

   "Come in." As soon as Lu Yichen's voice fell, I saw Yu Qing sneaking around.

  Lu Yichen said in a huff: "Jiajia is not here, I will be there in about 20 minutes."

   "Well, to make a long story short." Yu Qing squeezed in quickly, closed the door of the ward, opened the laptop, and took out a few new contracts from his briefcase to show him.

  The facilities in the hospital bed are complete. Lu Yichen’s hospital bed has a special folding desk. Open the desk, and he looks through the contracts and documents when Yu Qing sets the computer.

   "Shengshi Games performed well last month." Lu Yichen looked at the report data in his hand.

"Over the past year, the performance has gradually increased. It is estimated that it will increase to a good scale during the summer vacation. This month, due to some special news in the first district, the number of online users in the first district has increased sharply, and the performance of this month may break through. This year's highest value." Yu Qing called out the specific data in the computer to Lu Yichen for review.

  Lu Yichen looked at the information in the form, and did not ask in detail about the news that Yu Qing said.

Yu Qing pushed his glasses and waited for him to ask questions. Unfortunately, he just didn’t ask, so he had to speak: “Shengshi Game is going to hold an offline meeting next month. Many people are looking forward to the “Weicheng Chaoyu” and “Raging Out”. Rhino's here."

  Yu Qing has already inquired out of Ruan Qu who these two news figures are.

   Ruan Qu was extremely excited to tell him about the meeting, and asked him to persuade Shao Zong and Mrs. Shao. If it is finally revealed that these two people are them, then Shengshi Game will definitely become a hit!

But considering that the young lady was pregnant, Ruan Quzhen didn’t dare to bring it up in person, so he had to talk about Yu Qing and couldn’t hold his talk. He could only find a chance to mention it at the beginning of this month when he handed in last month’s grades. come out.

  Yu Qing is really annoyed, so she can only knock around.

   "I saw it on the game's official website." Lu Yichen said lightly.

   "Then, look at..."

   "I will help find someone in the entertainment circle, and still get attention." Lu Yichen didn't want to do this stupid thing, Jia Jiaming planned to catch him offline, this is definitely the rhythm of kneeling on the washboard!

  He can't do it!

  "Who do you plan to find on top?" Yu Qing asked.

  Lu Yichen thought for a while, and showed an ill-intentioned smile. "It is said that Qiao Nan spoke to Jiajia again two days ago?"

  Yu Qing:...

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