"Many people called me just now, can you explain, what's the matter?"


"it's me."

  "Sorry." Dragon Wing didn't want to shirk responsibility. There was indeed his fault in this matter.

"what happened?"

   "Look at the forum posts."

  When Li Jia saw the last message, she opened the Shengshi official forum and clicked on the post with pictures and evidence that she was a ladyboy.

   "That's it."

  Li Jia's eyes were slightly cold. "Big Liu!"

  "Young lady?" The bodyguard in the passenger seat turned to look at Li Jia who was sitting in the back seat of the car. "What's the order?"

   "I want to call the police."

   "Okay." Liu did not talk nonsense, took out his mobile phone, and called the police station.

  After finishing this, Li Jia sent a text message to Longyi.

  "I believe you are a person, but please forgive me. No matter who you tell my phone number, the other party has caused serious trouble to my life and has been dealt with by the police."

  Longyi was thoughtful when he saw this text message. "Are you a girl?"

  Li Jia saw this text message and did not reply.

  At ten twenty in the evening, she carried a pastry paper box and walked into the hospital.

  Lu Yichen just changed the bottle and logged into the Shengshi online game interface, and he saw the big horn made by Longyi, but this time, he opened his own mage number.

As soon as    went online, private chats kept popping up, and Lu Yichen ignored them all.

As the president of the Dragon Fighting Guild, Shao Lu belongs to the great **** of Gao Shan, who rarely appears on the guild channel. Like the "Rhinoceros" of the Dragon Wings Guild, he never speaks, but no one will doubt him. Real sex.

Although the name "Weicheng Chaoyu" is very poetic, it is barely neutral. In addition, the character is a male mage, and the acting style is very cold. The vice president and elders worship the president inexplicably, and the members of the guild are even more To trust him is to worship as a god.

More importantly, the guild leader who occupies the top of the list has been a legend since the game was launched. Now that the game has a lot of benefits for the marriage system, many people will get married in order to complete the main task, even if it is to complete the task, afterwards Even if you divorce, you won't be the same as the president, always bachelor.

  Even if the main mission is stuck because they are not married, the president will not get married. How many girls in the guild want to become the president’s wife? Unfortunately, the president never paid attention.

  No one thought that such a 10,000-year diamond bachelor suddenly got married, and he was still married to the "Rhinoceros Rhinoceros" recognized by all servers!

  All major rankings, this ladyboy is all on the list, but the other is a female archer.

Anyone with a bit of a brain knows that the possibility of being a female is very small. After all, this game of Shengshi pays much attention to operation, and girls have natural shortcomings in this aspect. In the top ten list, there are three women, but the other two are both. It has been confirmed that it is a ladyboy, and the other party has spoken during the command, confirming that it is a male, with one exception, or the one with the highest ranking.

  Rhinoceros running wild!

  He has said several times that she is a female, not a ladyboy, but how is this possible?

  Is there a woman who would be called by this name? Never open wheat!

  Many girls even confessed to the runaway Rhino, and even expressed their willingness to help him complete the task and get married temporarily, but they were all rejected.

  The master list of the whole server, these two never even got married temporarily, and the reasons were once discussed in the official forum.

  Who could have expected that the “running rhinoceros” finally got married with the single male **** “Weicheng Chaoyu” worshipped by the girls in full service!

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