Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 873: Deceitful dead gay

  Li Jia looked at the female priest character standing on the screen, glanced at the name, her eyes twitched.

   "Little sweetheart."

The name    will definitely not make people think of a ladyboy.

  Because of the low level, the character looks like a refugee from a refugee camp. Li Jia just squatted in Xinshou Village for a while, and a kind elder brother threw a gold coin in front of her.

  Li Jia:...

  I think that the top three great god-level figures in her dignified PK list have fallen to this point!

  Asshole who dares to steal her number, don’t let her know who it is!

  Li Jia picked up the gold coin on the ground and decided to take this as a proof of his shame, always reminding himself to take revenge.

  When the character ran the task to dig carrots, Li Jia's mobile phone rang, she picked up the mobile phone on the table and saw a text message.

   "Why did you go offline suddenly this afternoon?"

  The content of the text message is very short. Li Jia looked at it for a while and then flipped through the phone number of the text message.

   is familiar.

   is Dragon Wing, the president of Dragon Wing Guild.

  She went back immediately. "Since the last gang battle, it has not been online. I found that my account was stolen when I went online today.

  In a villa in the Imperial Capital, the young man frowned as he watched the text message on his mobile phone. "Not you today?"


"I know."

  Li Jia saw the last four words in the text message, put her mobile phone aside, and continued to operate the pastor Sweetheart to pull carrots in the carrot field.

  However, in the Dragon Wing Guild at this time, the world's loudspeaker announced by Dragon Wing was completely boiling.

  [Big Horn] [Longyi]: Who are you from Chaoyu in Weicheng? Why steal the rhino's number? Submitted to GM customer service! @暴走的RHINO

   [Guild] [Big chest]: My, Lady, Gaga! !

  [Guild][Xiaoxuehua]: Something happened! The rhino's number was stolen?

  [Guild][Lemon is a little cute]: No way?

  [Guild][Bad Girl]: Really? impossible?

  [Guild][Do you want to come to Sophie]: It’s a big game!

  [Guild][Upstairs is the second force]: What's going on!

  [Guild][Niu Niu’s Little Cute]: Poor Niuniu!

  [Guild][Da Wen's trumpet]: I missed the horse?

  [Guild][Lemon is a little cute]: The guild grows big, the rhino's number is really stolen? When did this happen? @龙翼

  [Guild][Dragon Wing]: It has just been confirmed that Rhino said that it has not been online since the guild battle, and found that the account was stolen when it went online today.

  [Guild][Big chest]: Damn it!

  [Guild][Would you like a piece of Sophie]: Great news, president! Look at the new forum posts!

  In the guild, like boiling water, people kept coming out to express their surprise.

  President Dragon Wing saw the link that Sophie threw over, opened it and took a look. At this look, his face suddenly became pale!

  "The rhinoceros who ransacked in a district is a deceptive and emotionally dead gay, there are pictures and evidence!"

  Dragon Wing didn't care at first, but when he turned down and saw the so-called evidence, his entire face changed color.

  Because the so-called evidence is a piece of recording, and a phone number is also published under the post.

  Longyi couldn't describe his feelings when he saw this phone number, because this number was the number that Rhino gave him!

  More importantly, Rhino said that this number has not been given to anyone in the game. In other words, he is the only one in the game who knows her number, but he clearly did not tell anyone the number...

  No, I have given it back to someone...

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