Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 871: Unexpectedly offline

  The news in the Dragon Wing Guild kept rolling and twittering.

  [Guild][Dragon Wing]: Rhino, you leave the dead forest first! Run towards the city occupied by the guild!

  [Guild][Dragon Wing]: We will come to rescue you immediately.

  [Guild][Lemon is a bit cute]: Niu, you are finally online, why ignore me? why why why……

  [Guild][Do you want to come to Sophie]: Brother Niu! You wait, I'll come to the hero to save the beauty!

  [Guild][Upstairs is the second force]: Hold on!

  [Guild][Niu Niu’s Little Cutie]: Niu Niu, you are married! The groom is not me! 55555

  [Guild][The chest is so big]: Niu Niu is dying, you guys are still squeaky and crooked, don’t hurry to help!

  A certain Lu Shao scans at will. I haven't read the following. Just looking at the name of the guild member that his wife has joined and the voice, I want to close the Shengshi Game.

  Who are these people!

  He didn't have time to bother, he had already manipulated the characters and started to slaughter the Quartet, incarnate a rhino that was really angered and ran away.

  The equipment of Jiajia is good, and he is familiar with the added skill points. It is easy to use. The total combat power can occupy the top five in the whole server, and the PK list has always been the top three.

  Of course, this is the result a month ago. After Jiajia became pregnant, she rarely used the Internet, and her ranking dropped to the top ten cranes.

A certain Lu Shao believed that his combat power and hand speed were good, otherwise "Weicheng Chaoyu" would not rank so high, but he is now a one-armed hero, so after a few rounds, he was beaten by a large group of people. It's about to bottom out, and it's about to hang up.

   Clicked on a group of injuries, quickly moved back and prepared to take some medicine to replenish the blood, but the other party did not give him a chance, the endless skills smashed down, and he would be hit if he didn't pay attention.

   Just as the archer was walking to avoid it, a large group of people rushed out from the city behind him to join, and he was cured by several nurses in succession. Lu Shao watched the archer's blood bars quickly refilled.

   [Current] [Dragon Wing]: Qinglong Village, Zhinv Pavilion, and Dragon War and the League of Thieves. Is it interesting for you to fight so many girls?

   [Current] [Lord is Pull]: Haha, girl...

   [Current] [笑雨艳然]: Century joke, so funny.

  [Current] [Weicheng Little Fan]: Dead Shemale! Seduce my Weicheng God!

  [Current][You Zhan Lao Zihao]: Shrink the head turtle! Isn't it very capable? Don't hide if you have the ability!

  Hundreds of people are present on the current channel, and the subtitles are rolling quickly. The rhino standing in the crowd has recovered to its best condition. Hearing these words, brows frowned.

  Just as he was about to knock over, the door of the ward was knocked, then the door was pushed open, and Li Jia walked in.

  Lu Shao was taken aback, and quickly closed his notebook.

  So, the following situation occurred at the critical moment of the confrontation between the two parties.

  【System】The player [Rhinoceros] has gone offline.

  The scene was quiet for three seconds, and it fryed!

   [Current] [笑雨艳然]: Ha ha, boo, how fast!

   [Current] [Weicheng Little Fan]: Deserters! Not worthy of my Weicheng Great God.

   [Current] [You Zhan Lao Zihao]: The same is true for the ladyboys, they ran away immediately when they saw many people.

   [Current] [Big chest]: What's the situation? Why did Niuniu suddenly go offline?

  [Current][Would you like a piece of Sophie]: Keep your mouth clean!

   [Current] [Wang Wang Xiao Su Su]: So fast!

   [Current] [Battlefield Love Letter]: Dragon Wing's dog legs all ran, but the dead guy ran away.

  [Current][Big chest]: Daxiang is stuffed upstairs in his mouth.

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