Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 868: Stolen account

   "It really is Jonan!"

   "It's me!"

   "Gosh! Idols are so down to earth, they will sit here and line up!"

   A large group of people quickly followed, almost Qiao Nan had just walked out and was about to be surrounded immediately, and fans had already handed out paper and pen for signature.

   "Sorry! Sorry! Urgent!" Qiao Nan cried out, and there were too many people, and he was surrounded in a blink of an eye.

  The agents and assistants of Tianheng Entertainment, who were still outside the hospital, discovered that the crowd was gathering abnormally, and realized that it was not good, so they hurried to rescue.

  Li Jia took the opportunity to throw off the bodyguard and got into a nearby Internet cafe.

   "One hour." Li Jia handed it to the webmaster.

   "No. 18, District 5." The staff at the counter of the Internet cafe looked up at her, at least not a minor, and did not check her ID. He took the money and continued to play the game.

  The light in the Internet cafe was dim, and Li Jia turned his head to see the game that the webmaster was playing.

   is exactly the "Prosperity".

According to the number, she found the computer where she was, and walked all the way. On both sides were young people playing games with headphones. Occasionally, she could see one or two uncles watching news and browsing the web, young girls chatting or watching videos. Some people are playing games, and at least nearly 70% of people are playing "Sheng Shi".

  Li Jia knows that there are many people playing this game, but he did not expect to reach such a point.

  She walked to her place, the computer desktop was already open, she opened the game interface and entered her account and password, but she was prompted to log in!

  Grasp the grass!

  Li Jia silently scolded his mother, the **** is still logged in, the hacking is really rampant! She failed to log in several times, and hammered the keyboard.

  Li Jia thought for a while, her slender fingers tapped on the keyboard at an exaggerated speed, and soon the task interface appeared on the desktop. She quickly entered a series of codes, and the codes in the interface scrolled quickly.


  Li Jia thought that the other party might have changed her password, but she didn't expect that she would be rejected after logging in.

  She stared at the scrolling code. After a while, it was still in this state, and she immediately realized a problem.

  She could not find the computer address of the hacking account! This is an unprecedented situation.

"How can it be?"

   Li Jia tried several times without believing in evil, and all of them showed that there was a firewall blocking.

   "Damn! What firewall is so powerful?"

   Helpless, Li Jia tried to crack the opponent’s firewall, but it didn’t work for half an hour. She was secretly surprised. Could it be that it was a technician from the Ministry of Defense who had stolen her?

She was so angry that she wanted to call Kaka to ask him to help. Although Kaka is young, some talents are not based on age. Some people are born with different brains from others. You can't be jealous if you are jealous. She believes this. If Kaka can definitely be solved, but...

"The little guy has only had a major operation in the past two days..." Li Jia thought that Kaka had deliberately postponed the operation time just in case in order to help her at the wedding, and the operation was performed after her wedding banquet. Bear the heart to trouble the little guy again.

   is just a game. How can friends in reality matter?

  Li Jia gave up looking for Kaka and went to the official forum first.

  In the forum, she was almost scolded to death.

  16th floor: "Bad **** seduce Weicheng shamelessly..."

  17th floor: "The shameless **** deceives the feelings of the Great God Weicheng..."

  108th floor: "When do you think the Great God of Weicheng dumped the rhinoceros?"

   109th floor: "Maybe Chaoyu in Weicheng is a **** guy?"

  110th floor: "Go upstairs and die!"

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