Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 855: Bodyguard with gun

  Bo Xuanrui's heart rolled, his eyes flashed, he quickly concealed all his emotions, his face was no different, and he deserved to be a movie king.

  "What happened?" It was not Manager Liu who spoke, but another middle-aged man in a suit who was in charge of Monica.

  The man is Zhao Zhong who is in charge of the entire mall. He is also known as Mr. Zhao, the boss of Manager Liu of the department.

  "Are you?" The lady's attitude turned a hundred and eighty degrees, with a smirk. Manager Liu stood and listened to him, and she knew that she was Manager Liu's boss.

   "I'm the general manager of this jewelry store." Mr. Zhao was quite polite because his wife was present.

  "Hello! Hello! I don't know if this lady is..." The lady looked at Monica who was indifferent and smiled very humbly.

  Monica was looking at Jia Jia, and saw that the bodyguard was still responsible. Jia Jia did not miss a single hair. Only then did she turn her eyes to the two ladies of the same class and the girl holding the young man's arm.

  Her eyes were cold, she just glanced at the woman coldly. Mr. Zhao introduced, “This is Mrs. Lu, Mr. Lu’s wife.”

  The lady was surprised, her eyes widened suddenly, her expression changed from shock to surprise, her face turned into a flower, she did not expect to meet Mrs. Lu's wife here!

She also heard that Mrs. Lu is the direct daughter of one of the world’s top chaebol Light-Born families. She has aristocratic ancestry, so she can catch up with the true princess-level daughter-in-law. She doesn’t know what luck the Lu family has for and the marriage partner. High identities make people very weak even to hate, and it is a height of looking up.

  "It's an honor to see you! Hello! Hello!" Not only the two noble ladies and the stocking girl were shocked, but the crowd watching the excitement around them was shocked.

  It’s just that all the staff in the mall consciously prevented others from approaching. With bodyguards guarding them, it was unrealistic for others to strike up a conversation, they could only look excitedly.

  The only person who knew the truth, Bo Xuanrui, looked at Mrs. Meng’s virtue, and didn’t know how to describe her feelings.

   "Hello, Manager Liu, my husband is Meng Zengping of Xinfeng Electronics." The lady did not forget to report her husband’s name to increase her favorability when seeing Manager Liu.

  Manager Liu looked at the lady who was wrapped up like a nouveau riche, and his eyebrows jumped. Why is Meng Zengping’s wife such a virtue?

  To be honest, he despises such women from the bottom of his heart. If he is rich, he can’t wait for people all over the world to know. Originally, you don't care about others or anything, but you can find trouble on the site of creation. It is really a problem with your brain.

   actually provokes the young lady, and there is also a physical conflict. The young lady is pregnant with the young master, and it is said that they are twins. If something goes wrong on her own territory, it will be a trivial matter to be fired. Lu Shao must not kill him!

  Zhao Zhong wanted to curse in his heart. Madam Lu obviously didn’t want to pay attention to this woman. He didn’t give Madam Meng a chance, and cut off her thoughts of stroking, and asked the shopping guide next to her.

   "Say the whole thing once, without missing a word."

  As soon as he spoke, he immediately awakened the excited lady who had the opportunity to meet Mrs. Lu.

  The shopping guide was about to explain, the lady took the lead in speaking, and she didn't give the shopping guide a chance to speak.

She pointed to Li Jia, who was guarded by her bodyguards, and put on an expression of grievance and nowhere to complain, and said to Mr. Zhao and Manager Liu: “I always know that Chuangshi Jewelry Mall is customer-oriented, and I will not easily buy those who can’t buy it. I still rely on the woman who didn’t leave to get rid of the jewelry, but I just said a few words about her, she hit someone, and instructed the man she climbed up to push me to the ground. Everyone here can testify, Zhao Mr. Liu, you have to comment on me."

  Zhao Zhong followed the direction she was pointing to and saw the funny Mrs. Lu Shao. Ten thousand beasts stepped on him and ran over.

  His expression twisted uncontrollably.

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