After being called out of his name, Bo Xuanrui's expression was cold, and there was nothing to say, but the girl beside him and You Rongyan wanted to behave indifferently, but the grin at the corner of his mouth couldn't hide. Live the true inner thoughts.

   "Idol! Sign me a name?"

  The broken girl looked left and right, looking for paper and pen, searched the pockets of her boyfriend but did not find paper and pen. Her boyfriend grabbed her with a smile, and was not angry.

   "Is that someone from the entertainment industry? Just an acting."

   "Boruixuan? Fortunately, compared with Jonan? You can't be on the stage just by life experience."

  Except for a few young female fans who showed curiosity, other men showed disdain. Those who can buy jewelry on this layer are mostly savvy figures who look down on Bo Xuanrui from the bottom of their hearts.

   What makes men more unhappy is that many girls around him are staring at Bo Xuanrui.

  Bo Xuanrui?

  Li Jia glanced at the stocking girl who was holding Bo Xuanrui’s wrist. How did she remember An Susu and Bo Xuanrui came together? Is it just entertainment gossip and bullshit?

   Speaking of the Bo actor, she can know so clearly, in addition to his frequent appearances in major film and television dramas, but also because of the torment of Qiaonan fans and the other fans.

  It is said that the fans of the two parties are going to die and die.

  When she is bored, she pays attention to gossip magazines and news, especially when she sees familiar people appearing beyond recognition in the gossip. She compares reality to reality, and sometimes admires Yuji’s brain power.

Seeing Li Jia staring at her man, the girl in stockings tightened against Bo Xuanrui. "Auntie, your man pushed my mother down for you. What use do you see my boyfriend?"

  She gave a cold snort, deliberately increased her voice, and succeeded in getting others to sit on Li Jia to hook up the image of a man vixen.

   "What a shame! Chao Qin Muchu!"

   "The man next to her is so pitiful, I'm so fascinated that I don't know the southeast, northwest, right?"

   "Yeah, scumbag!"

  The poor bodyguard was scolded by Bai Bai, his eyebrows twitched almost unchecked, even if his EQ was low, he knew what the audience was talking about and misunderstanding.

  "Young husband..."

Just as the bodyguard was about to reveal his identity, a large group of people came over in great numbers. The leader was a well-dressed foreign lady with meticulously combed hair, blonde and blue eyes, and well-maintained. She looked just over thirty. .

  She is stepping on high heels, her movements are obviously fast, but she walks steadily and steadily, she looks like a strong woman who has practiced high heels for a long time.

Behind the woman followed a lot of people, most of them dressed up by shop staff. Next to her were two middle-aged men in formal suits. Their hair was combed with oil, and there was a hint of anxiety on the face. The pace is not slow.

  With such a large group of people coming over, the lady immediately became energetic, especially when she saw the department manager who had a little friendship with her husband among them, she couldn't help but want to step forward to make friendship.

Although the other party is just the department manager of the Chuangshi Jewelry Mall, only the leadership of Chuangshi can help her husband’s career. Who doesn’t know that Chuangshi is the largest consortium in China. The international status cannot be underestimated.

  Her husband has only recently been promoted to the position of manager of Xinfeng Electronics Group. It is said that Mr. Yu of Xinfeng Electronics is ready to enter the creation, seek greater development, and promote the group to an international platform.

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