Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 850: It's a dog

  Li Jia pursed her lips and immediately became upset.

  Your brother-in-law, if she is called that by a primary school student, but if you look at a woman older than her, you call her aunt...

  Li Jiahehe. "Who said I want to go downstairs?"

   "Aren't you going down?" The girl seemed surprised, but she kindly helped her out, but she didn't expect this woman to appreciate at all.

  This is the highest level. The woman in front of the jewelry must not be able to afford it. Why stay here to make people laugh?

   "Some people just don't know themselves." The girl's mother sneered, very disdainful. "Shopping guide, you can take her down, you don't have to be a mistress to pollute this place."

  "Who do you think is the junior?" Li Jia's eyes were slightly sharp.

"You're not the third child, what are you doing with such a strict cover? If you have to build a torii for a chicken, you will use the man's money." The lady did not expect Li Jia to dare to choke, but a poor household even put on a pose before her. Self-esteem has been hurt. "Shopping guide, do you want to stay in the store too?"

  The shopping guide was distressed. "Our floor does not restrict people, and we have no right to drive guests away."

  Only those who make trouble will be asked by the security guard to go out.

  The girl in front of her obviously did not meet this rule. In fact, Li Jia only asked the price of the ring, but was scolded by Xiaosan.

  I don’t know what the **** is, she is easy to be scolded by people wherever she goes. Does she have a little face? But now she started being scolded without even showing her face. She was simply "Conan physique" and she was dying.

  No matter how angry she is, Li Jia's self-control is still good, especially in the largest jewelry store under Chuangshi. She glanced at the two ladies in front of her with a cold tone. "Keep your mouth clean, not to mention that this is a mall under Chuangshi, I don't know when it will be renamed? Let me go out and then go out?"

  "The teeth are sharp and the mouth is sharp, you can show your face and show me if you have the ability!" The slightly bloated lady stepped in front of Jia Jia and raised her hand to her mask.

   "Pop!" Li Jia grabbed her wrist.

  She just made a move, when the bodyguard not far away saw it and came over.

   "What are you doing! Do you want to hit someone! Didn't you see this woman trying to hit me? Don't you drive her out!" The lady was extremely angry and struggled to get free. "You let go! Stinky woman!"

  She lifted her small handbag and smashed Jiajia in the face.

  Just as Li Jia was about to take action, a bodyguard stepped forward and raised his hand to block the lady. "What do you want to do?"

  The bodyguard was tall and big, with thick eyebrows and big eyes. His eyes glared at the woman, making the woman scream. "Let go of my hand!"

   "Insane." Uncle bodyguard, with a cold face like ice, pushed the lady away, and Li Jia took advantage of the momentum to stop.


   "Ouch! Hit someone!"

   "Mom! How are you?"

  The lady might as well let Jiajia suddenly let go. She fell to the ground, then immediately sat on the ground and called out, as if she was seriously injured.

  The girl who was holding the young man's arm let go with an exclamation, and ran to her mother to pull her, but couldn't pull her up, turned her head and looked at Li Jia accusingly. "How can you hit someone?"

  Li Jia rolled her eyes, which eye saw her beating?

  Li Jia ignored her, the girl glared at her bodyguard angrily, and pointed at Jia Jia: "Uncle, how can you beat people indiscriminately? Your girlfriend is too much!"

  The bodyguard frowned, and subconsciously said: "Not my girlfriend."

  If the young manager knows, he will definitely be unlucky, and he must clarify the first time.

  "Not your girlfriend?" The girl was taken aback when she heard the words, and then she looked at Li Jia's gaze with contempt. She was really a mistress, and her mother was right.

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