Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 814: Mrs. Lu's luck against the sky

  Wedding invitations are sent all over the world.

  A pair of newcomers, behind them represent the four top families.

  Lantust among the two Light-Born families behind Monica, the Lu family, the creation consortium, and the Li family and the Laird family, the power holders of the H country behind the bride.

  The four big families are on both ends of the earth, and there is no intersection. However, when Lu Shao and Mrs. Lu Shao come together, the four big families that are unrelated are closely connected.

  Varistin was immersed in a joy, and the silk yarn was like a cloud, decorating the entire Varisting eye.

  On the day of the wedding, the guests have been sent to the island by flights one after another. The man and the woman guests are not separated. The guests gather on the spot and the well-trained waiters travel in an orderly period.

  The whole family of Lu’s family, including General Li and Mrs. Li, as well as Hang Zhixing and Hang’s mother, are helping to greet the guests.

   Before dawn, Li Jia was dug out from the quilt and dressed up and dressed in wedding dresses. From top to bottom, she did not let her toes go.

  Make-up artists, stylists, designers, and so on, a lot of people surrounded the bride and started preparing for the wedding.

  "Take that purple-flowered veil and white wedding dress! Be careful!"

  "Prepare for a classical wedding first! Cheongsam! Not a white wedding dress!"

   "Chinese style! All the stylists are here! Let's get a hairdo!"

  "Make-up sponge! That wig is unnecessary! Take it away!"

   “Can’t it be Western style first? I’ve talked about the combination of Chinese and Western styles, first wear a wedding dress to receive blessings, and then change to Chinese dragon and phoenix cheongsam to give parents tea and receive red packets.”

Li Jia was dizzy. The makeup artist didn't care about the noise outside at all. Facing Jia Jia, he applied the makeup carefully, and the delicate lip gloss was rubbed on the lips little by little. The exquisite and beautiful facial features were handed over by internationally renowned makeup artists. Aroused bursts of exclamation.

  Different Chinese and Western cultures can easily cause disputes at any time. However, at this time, when you put on a cheongsam with a red phoenix pattern, the eyes of those who watch it are bright.

Li Jia was led by the stylist. The self-cultivation cheongsam outlines the perfect body curve. A gorgeous phoenix is ​​lifelike. The phoenix tail falls on a flat abdomen. The designer learns that Jia Jia is pregnant and worried that wearing cheongsam will cause bloat. Groom the abdomen.

  Li Jia's pregnancy months are short, and she is not burdensome when seen from the side. The gorgeous golden phoenix has not taken away her own elegance in the slightest.

  The long black hair is rolled up, the shape is elegant, the phoenix crown and the nine tails are trembling at the temples, and her green eyes are transparent and bright, making the white facial features more delicate and moving against the backdrop of the colorful clothes.

  "Chinese...Chinese style looks good." A designer who is keen on Western wedding styling praised.

   "In the past, I always heard people describe a person who has a good temperament and looks beautiful as if he walked out of a painting. I have seen it today."

  Five or six makeup artists stepped back a step or two, looked at Li Jia, and exclaimed.

  Lu Shao's luck is good. It is said that Mrs. Lu Shao was once a child adopted by the old man of the Lu family. Who can have the luck of old man Lu, who kindly took home a child for a while, and turned out to be the only granddaughter of Marshal Li.

  By the way, the grandson’s life-long affairs can be solved.

Li Jia stood in front of the mirror and looked around. The golden phoenix with wings spread out from the red background and gold thread worked well on her body. Her long black hair was tied into a bun, showing a white neck. She turned in a circle and bowed her head. Look at the high heels under the feet.

   "Can I not wear these shoes?"

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