Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 810: Varystine Island

   "Brother." Li Jia muttered vaguely, touching his face with a soft hand, rubbing his head in his arms. "Sleepin."

  Her drowsiness is strong, her voice is soft and waxy, hoarse, like a lazy cat, the furry cat's feet scratched the tip of Lu Yichen's heart.

Lu Yichen's flushed lips slightly raised, one hand touched Jiajia's soft belly, and the other hand stroked her hair. Jiajia's black and soft long hair was smooth and delicate, like spreading ink, Lu Yichen Sniffing the light scent of her hair affectionately, five fingers passed through her hair, cold and smooth.

  Li Jia's silk pajamas are as light as nothing. When lying down, the thin and soft silk is sticking to the exquisite curve. Lu Yichen's legs are in his arms, and his palms pat Jiajia's back.

   "Hey, go to sleep."

  Quiet and tranquil environment, her sweet and soft breath filled her heart with an unprecedented satisfaction.

  He stretched out the tip of his scarlet tongue, licked her smooth and warm face, sucked on her soft lips and bit, his slender and dark eyes were red, and in the night, he lowered his eyebrows and looked at his sister in his arms.

  He licked her lips again and again, her neck folded and her skin rubbed together. "Jiajia, this time I won't let you have an accident."

Never will.

  Emperor Capital is still in the cold winter and snow, located in the South Pacific, near the equator, the small island of Varistin is in the summer season.

  Dense jungles, vigorous coconut trees, and clear blue and blue waves, the beaches are clean and clean, and white waves beat the fine white gravel.

  The tortuous corridor of wooden vines, a foreign country full of summer style.

  At this time, the exotic manor was refurbished, with fiery red lanterns with golden happy characters hung, and two corridors decorated with budding red roses, just waiting for the wedding day to bloom.

  The spacious manor is full of rich classical wedding atmosphere. The original residents of Varistin have held weddings more than once or twice, but for the first time they have seen a completely different wedding arrangement.

  The exquisite window grilles, the gorgeous and fine silk embroidery screens, the dragon and phoenix window grilles, are delicate and lifelike. A group of foreigners who looked at the window grilles were stunned, staring at the grilles, and they couldn't believe they were cut out manually.

  For more than a month, with planes and ships going back and forth, the whole island is full of festive atmosphere.

  Delicate silk yarn decorates every place, ten miles of red makeup, soft red pavement, saves complicated steps and rules, but reproduces the scene of classical culture.

  If it weren't for people with different skin colors and bright and weird costumes, I thought I had traveled through time and came to distant history.

  Three days before the wedding, Li Jia got off his private plane and set foot on this land for the first time

  The white sandy beach, the blue ocean, and the wooden pavilions built on top of diving are full of watery atmosphere.

  Elder Lu brought his two children over in advance, and Lu Yichen brought Jiajia over to familiarize himself with the environment. The wedding will be held here in three days. Jiajia needs to know what the situation is.

  The sea breeze brought a faint smell of sea, and Li Jia looked at the boundless ocean with an open mind.

  The veil on her head was blown by the hot wind, and her exquisite snow-white face was smoked red.

  The two children stuck to the window before the plane landed and looked at the sea below, pulling grandpa excitedly. At this time, getting off the plane, like a bird flying out of a cage, cheered and ran out with two small arms open.

   "Run slower!" The old man made a mistake, and the two little ones ran away.

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