Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 801: Jiajia, leave the room quickly

  At that time, Jiajia had been away from him for a long time. He was in a bad mood and didn't pay much attention. The two passed by.

  It seems that many things are already doomed.

  This life has changed too much. Li Meiqi is no longer the daughter of Li's family. She was taken back from the mental hospital by her original family. Mrs. Li still has a little affection for her and will help her every month.

  But Li Meiqi is disabled and has done so many maddening things. After being sent home, the people she offended in the past saw that she had no support, and they all came secretly.

  Now it is lingering, lingering sickbed, and time is running out.

  Li Jia wanted to match up a pair of CPs, but did not want to separate the lovers, so she asked people to inquire about the news of the two parties.

  When I heard the news about Li Meiqi, there was not much emotional ups and downs. She was not a Virgin, so she couldn’t do anything about the other party killing her and forgiving her enemies.

  She looked at the red rose on the back of her hand, carefully touching it, and there was a slight bumpy feeling. This was a trace of the car accident. She could not forget the situation when her father threw herself in front of her and her mother the moment before the car accident.

  At the time, she was very scared, afraid that the family would be destroyed.

  When she learned that the culprit was Li Meiqi, she had a hatred in her heart. Later, she was reluctant to admit the Li family, perhaps part of Li Meiqi’s reason.

  Now that all the dust has settled, Li Meiqi’s debt will disappear with her departure.

  As for Tian Tian and Lang Yanhan...

  Li Jia is on the phone with Lang Yanhan.

"Calling me at night is for the stinky bapo surnamed Tian? What kind of childhood sweetheart? How about writing poems? Don't look at her having a harmless face, like an innocent student|girl, just look at her Seventeen or eighteen years old, let me tell you, she is already an old aunt! She is already twenty-four years old! Two or three years older than you!"

"How is it possible for me and her? My parents are whimsical. If I marry her, I might as well marry my mom. Like the dean, I...Oh! Mom! I'm just a metaphor!" Lang Yanhan cried out in pain, Li Jia I heard Lang's mother angrily on the phone.

  Li Jia silently hung up the phone.

  Twenty-four is the old aunt? Let no one live.

   "Jia Jia, are you still vomiting?"

  Lu Yichen brought a cup of hot soy milk in, and saw Jiajia sitting at the computer desk, passing the soy milk into her hand.

  From the first two days, Jiajia began to experience morning sickness.

   "It's better." Not long after coming back from the last pregnancy check, she started her morning sickness career, and she suspected it would be as miserable as the first child.

   He vomited so dizzy and didn’t want to eat at all. The partial eclipse was infuriating.

   But remembering Lang Yanhan’s phrase “survival of the fittest”, she was covered in hairs, and she would have to force it down if she couldn’t eat it.

  Li Jia took the soy milk from his brother, held his breath, and drank it all at once.

  Lu Yichen looked at her frowning eyebrows, wiped the soy milk from the corner of her mouth with a tissue, bowed his head and kissed the corner of her mouth. "Thanks for your hard work."

  Li Jia hugged his neck, slender legs wrapped around his waist, bit his ears, and laughed softly. "It's not hard, it's Jiajia and brother's baby."

  Lu Yichen closed her dark and narrow eyes, gently stroked her soft hair, hugged her tightly like a child, patted her back, her voice was low, but the words she said made Li Jia's face change.

   Jiajia, leave the room quickly, go downstairs.

  She watched her elder brother’s slender fingertips spasm and whitish, lips flushed, her body excited, and she tried to restrain the excitement in her body.

  Without a word, he didn't even care about his shoes, jumped out of the bed barefoot, and ran towards the door of the room!

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