Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 1117: Previous Life Extra Episode 4

   Although her tone was plain, her expression and behavior all revealed a strong disgust.

  Hua Xin Big Carrot?

  The girls who were with Li Jia immediately recognized them. "The handsome guy in the luxury car just now!"

  "Another suitor who fell under the pants of Jiaer?"

  As soon as he said this, he immediately caused the boys to look wary and displeased.

  "The suitor?" Lu Yichen's thin lips were slightly hooked, and he took off his sunglasses, revealing a pair of long, narrow and deep black eyes. They were charming and magnificent, looking at you as if you were his favorite.

   "Shao Lu! It's Shao Lu!"

   "My God! It turned out to be Shao Lu!"

  He took off his glasses and was immediately recognized, Shao Lu Yichen, the head of the Creation Consortium! The aristocratic young master who can only be seen in the news! He would actually appear at the gate of A? Is it really Jiaer’s suitor?

  For a while, I looked at Li Jia's eyes with jealousy, envy, disbelief, and everything.

  Li Jia didn't see it well, took a breath, coughed for a while and finally felt better, but her throat coughed a little. "Don't talk nonsense! I met him for the first time today!"

   "Oh? Meeting for the first time?" Lu Yichen smiled softly and genially, without seeing the hooliganism at home. "Jiajia, don't you even recognize your brother?"

   When he said this, he stopped in front of a group of boys who were staring at his sister.

  Speaking of which, this little guy who has turned from a bun to a pretty girl, he didn’t even touch him, how could he make someone else cheaper?

  Not to mention, somehow occupying his sister's name.


The friends around    were frightened. This is Lu Yichen, the Young Master of Creation! Brother! ? Are you kidding me?

  From this day on, Li Jia has the illusion that college life is about to be finished.

  In fact, it does.

  She was taken out as the eldest of the Lu family, and the mad bee and the butterfly rose instantly.

   Regardless of her good looks, her identity alone, marrying her, she will never struggle for a hundred years of rhythm.

  The Lu family, Li Jia and Lu Yichen’s Liangzi have become big.

  The wit and courage of the two are simply unsightly.


  Li Jiazheng, who had just returned from crazy fun outside, was sweating profusely. He rushed into the bathroom and decided to wash it again. After washing his hair, he applied shower gel on his body. He was covered with foam and was about to rinse off. Suddenly he found that the shower was empty...

  Li Jia cursed the water company 10,000 times in her heart. When she hurriedly put on her bathrobe and ran out to ask the maid if she had spare water, the maid looked at her strangely.

  "Miss, what spare water?"

   "The water has stopped." Li Jia pointed to the bathroom in his room.

  The maid was confused. "No... the water didn't stop."

When Li Jia was wondering if the shower in her bathroom was broken, she saw her gentle and elegant brother Shi Shiran walked into the living room, leaned on the door frame with one hand, and smirked: "Just adjust the water temperature and turn on the main gate. It’s closed. I didn’t expect my dear sister to take a shower. It didn’t affect it? Haha~"

  In Li Jia's heart, 10,000 heads of grass ran over, killing him.

  She was so angry that she picked up her slippers and threw them at Lu Yichen in the face!

   "Lu Yichen! You are a pervert!!!"

"thank you."

   "You wait for me!" She didn't believe that he wouldn't take a shower! This hatred must be repaid!

  So, the brothers and sisters did not dare to take a bath at home for two months, fearing that they would be tricked by the other party. They didn't stop until the father knew about it and called them out for training.

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