Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 1115: Previous Life Extra Episode 2

  The grievance of being driven out of the car by her brother at the first meeting was finally reported in the second meeting.

  Li Jia is in a good mood.

  As for she fell into the hospital?

  Heh, who saw it? Is there any evidence?

  In the evening, three hearings.

  Grandpa Lu, Shao Lu, who was just discharged from the hospital, and Jiajia who was filially pouring tea to his grandfather, sat in the living room to discuss the "accidents" that occurred during the day.

  Lu Shao smiled and said, "Jia Jia has practiced karate, right? That fall at noon was really merciless."

  Li Jia smiled sweeter than him, sat next to his grandfather obediently, blinked his big eyes, and looked at him ignorantly. "Why did my brother be so careless when going down the stairs? Did he break it? Be careful next time you walk."

  Master Lu nodded. "Is such a big person, you can't even walk the road? You still blame your sister, she has no power to bind the chicken, what can you do? When you come back, leave her alone, if something goes wrong What should I do? You have been so bad-tempered since childhood, don't bully your sister in the future..."

  Lu Yichen said, his grandfather started training his grandson. In the middle, Lu Yichen tried to interrupt several times to no avail.

  The maids who saw him being thrown into a corpse all said that they were working hard. When they looked up, they saw the young master fell to the ground. As for the young lady who fell?

  Miss is such a small body, shouldn't she?

  Lu Shao is not good at getting out of the teacher, Li Jia gives him a cold look with disdain.

  Fight with her? Ha ha!

  Lu Yichen returned from abroad and was soon discovered by the entertainment reporters. It often appeared in financial news and entertainment news. Unlike financial news, the entertainment reporters basically reported who he changed today.

On campus of University A, Li Jia just came back from physical education class. Autumn Tiger is fierce and the weather is very hot. She wore a set of summer sportswear, **** a long ponytail, her delicate facial features were glowing with healthy pink, and packed her own. Stuffed things into the backpack, and went to the dormitory with a few friends.

  There is still some distance from the teaching area to the living area, and several girls in the dormitory chat with each other.

   "I saw the news that the founder of Shao Lu Shao came back from abroad, and looks more and more handsome!" A girl smiled.

   "Yeah, he looks so gentle and gentleman, not at all the arrogance of a boyfriend." Someone answered immediately.

   "Unfortunately, it was too bothersome. I heard that I had a scandal with an actress recently."

   "Lu Shao is so good, of course, there are always actresses who want to lend him to the top. You don't know. I heard that there is a girl named Xia next to T University who is Lu Shao’s true love. Last time someone saw Lu Shao pick her up."

  "Is it called Xia Yuxuan?"

   "It seems to be called by this name. It is a white lotus green tea bitch. I really don't know how Lu Shao loves her?"

  "Domineering CEOs love Cinderella, who knows what they think? If you are used to the delicacies of mountains and seas, maybe the porridge and side dishes are especially special?"

  The more the students discussed, the happier and happier. Li Jia was drinking water. Hearing these words, he curled his lips and took a big turn. Changing women is more diligent than changing clothes.

  Unlucky for anyone who is fancy, God is really not long-sighted, this kind of scum is posted.

  Li Jia was standing on the other side of the road and waiting for the traffic light. The members of the school student union were pulling the red line to tell the students crossing the two districts not to run the traffic light. Li Jia and several others also stood aside and waited.

  The red light came on, and the vehicles on both sides stopped. Li Jia and his classmates were about to go by. They saw the window of a car opened and the co-pilot showed a handsome face wearing sunglasses.

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