Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 1113: Yu Qing and Yu Wan's finale

   Back to the room, Lu Yichen called Jiajia’s phone number, showing the shutdown state, think about it, should be on the special plane now, it must be unreachable, he still didn’t give up calling once every hour.

  It's so cruel!

  Two months! It is likely that it will be three or four months before Lu Shaoton feels unlovable.

  The perfect interpretation of self-inflicted iniquity.


  Three months, many things can happen. The scorching heat becomes cool. Li Jia and his companions got off the special plane and stepped into the country again. The imperial capital just ushered in the first heavy snow in winter.

Yu Wan's belly in another country is already visible. Yu Qing does not care whether the other party is willing to accept him or not. She still lives next door to her. Every day, she can always go to school one step in advance to get Xiaochen back. Yu Wan has problems with electrical appliances and sewers. , Xiaochen always happily ran to find his father to solve the trouble.

With pregnancy, many things are not so convenient. Neighbors and neighbors have also become familiar with each other. They learned that Yu Wan and Yu Qing used to be husband and wife and are now divorced. However, the woman is pregnant again, and the husband is worried. Taking care of their mother and child here, the suspicion about their relationship has become friendly from the beginning.

  It’s just that, compared to China, this piece of land is still more open-minded. If it doesn’t appear, you must persuade Yu Wan and Yu Qing to reunite.

  So Yu Wan and Yu Qing became neighbors.

  When Yu Wan’s child was five months old, Li Jia probably also knew about the situation here, and Xiaochen was completely convinced by the charm of the almighty father.

  Yu Wan was very helpless. Speaking of this matter, she was helpless and unresolved, and her mood was complicated and unspeakable.

  "Everything is going well and natural." Li Jia's tone is calm. At least the two of them are familiar with the quiet life in a small foreign town, and the eyes and attitudes of others will be relatively broad.

  The next year, in the summer, in a quiet town near Los Angeles, Yu Wan gave birth to a boy again.

  When Li Jia learned the news, the child had been born, and it was Yu Qing who called.

  His cheerful and excited tone flew quickly, and his joy passed through thousands of mountains and rivers and passed to Li Jia's ear from the other end of the phone.

   "I gave birth, a full eight catties boy, mother and child are safe, Xiaochen has a younger brother, we plan to invite people from the town to have a wedding wine in a hundred days..."

  Yu Qing couldn't find Bei happily. Li Jia listened, congratulated him and Yu Wan, and did not mention his mother.

  When the child was a hundred days old, Li Jia had a task and did not go to the scene, but sent a gift specially prepared for the child by herself. Afterwards, her brother said that Yu Qing's mother did not go.

  For this, Li Jia was surprised.

   "The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is not good, and Yu Qing is also afraid that the two women will have a problem together. He said that when the child is older, he will bring her back to see her." Lu Yichen didn't have too much emotion when he said this.

At first, Li Jia did not ask too much. Until three years later, Xiaoyu graduated from elementary school and picked up a few of his best classmates to meet at home. Li Jia happened to be at home and drove her to the classmate’s house to pick them up. I saw Yu's mother again in the community of one of the classmates.

  She is quite old, sitting on the wooden benches in the community for people to rest and joking with a few elderly people, talking about her son and daughter-in-law abroad, her eyes are full of pride.

"...I have raised people over there. My daughter-in-law is in her thirties. She is tender and in her early twenties. Two grandsons. I saw them on the computer a few days ago. They were white and fat. He’s fat, he’s very slippery when speaking foreign languages, and he keeps calling grandma, oh, but my heart hurts, and I also said that I like the shoes made by my grandma. Those shoes are from our old home, and the foreigners are strange... …"

  Li Jia led the children into the car and drove out of the community. He looked at the joking figures of the elderly in the rearview mirror, put on the sunglasses again, and smiled.

fair enough.

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