Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 1100: Fanwaizhi can’t communicate with beasts

   "Don't let go."

   "Yu Qing, don't you let me know that all of this is your design!" Yu Wan trembled, raised her head, her eyes sharp. "Where is Xiaochen?"

  "Don't worry, the child is okay." A gloom flashed across Yu Qing's eyes. "Whether you believe me or not, this time, it's really an accident."

   makes him very confused, how could it happen so coincidence? He couldn't believe it by coincidence.

  When he discovered that Xiaochen and Wanwan were missing, he came out to look for them as soon as possible. He saw that the hospital guard stopped a car to prevent the other person from passing. He rushed over and saw Xiaochen stunned and taken away.

  Shortly after he snatched the child back, he received a call asking him to prepare three million yuan to ransom him in the designated room at the banquet, otherwise he would let him see Wanwan's body.

Three million is nothing to him. He came over with the money, put the money box in the designated location, and found the private room where Wanwan was according to the hint. He thought that there would be a back hand waiting for him, but he didn't expect When I came in, I really saw the blushing face on the sofa.

  When he used to hug her, the next thing...became like this.

  Yu Wan pressed her temple, her mind was still a little groggy, and there was a vague memory from last night's memory, her face turned blue and white, and it was difficult to accept it for a while.

   After the two came out of the disco, Lu Yichen had already received the news, looked at the information handed over by his men, and threw it aside without paying attention.

  When things have developed up to now, do they part ways immediately, or do they come together?

  There should always be a result.

  If he was so indecisive, Jiajia hadn’t known which monkey cub had taken him away. Is there still his share now?

  Speaking of it, the start is fast, accurate, and ruthless!

  He is not at all guilty anyway.

  Li Jia stared at him, her eyelids twitching. When she heard the news, she was also shocked. Her brother is simply not human! It's really so rude to fill people with medicine, and then let the two of them roll back to the sheets.

  Are men thinking so directly and rudely?

   "You did this, not only pitted Wanwan to death, if you made Wanwan misunderstand Yu Qing for this, didn't you push him into the fire pit?" Li Jia couldn't understand her brother's wonderful brain circuit at all.

  Lu Yichen disagrees. "The misunderstanding is what he deserves. After five years of abstinence, it was manually resolved every night. It was also very hurtful. I did him a great favor."

  Li Jia:...

  Can't communicate with animals at all!

  When this happened, she could imagine what she would do according to Wanwan’s character.

  The next day, she received Wanwan's farewell call.

  At eight o'clock in the morning, on the passenger plane to Los Angeles, Li Jia was surprised that Yu Shengtian was also there. He was explaining some trivial matters about Yu Wan and Xiaochen, holding his child to explain that Yu Wan should be careful.

  "I will arrange someone to pick you up over there. Don't worry, as long as you go abroad, he will never find you mother and son again."

   "Thank you, Uncle Tian, ​​trouble you."

"What's the trouble with this? You should call me when you come back. I don't know if such a big thing happened." Yu Shengtian glanced at her reproachfully, then touched Xiaochen's little face, and cut him Pass it to mother's arms.

  Yu Shengtian was not surprised when he saw Jiajia, thanked her for taking care of Yu Wan, and gave them space.

   "I know what happened to you and Yu Qing at the banquet." Li Jia thought that she might leave, but didn't want to move so fast.

"I don't want to remarry. Even if it was an accident, I dare not get involved with him anymore. I was afraid that I would promise him if I continued, Jiajia, do you know? When he sent me back that day, he actually knelt down. Begging me tonight, I really...really almost forgave him hopelessly."

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