Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 1094: Why did Fan Waizhi help me?

   "I have a question, I have always wanted to ask." Yu Qing raised his head and stared at Li Jia.

   "Why are you helping me like this? You are Wanwan's friend, and you probably don't want her to reunite with me. You said before that I am kind to you, but I don't remember when Madam Young needed a small person like me."

He was just Lu Shao’s secretary, and he was just an assistant before. Although in the eyes of others, he is a successful person with tens of millions of assets, but for families like Lu and Li, nothing counts, just a Little people.

Once, he felt that this Miss Li was very special to him. Of course, he would not be so narcissistic that she thought she was interesting to him, otherwise Shao Lu would not tolerate him. She treated him very peculiarly. The gentle attitude of a good friend.

Even a few years ago, she allowed Tang Mi'er to get out of the wronged prison. It was because of his face. Even for her, this was only a matter of one sentence, but he could feel it that she was helping him. Later, when she married Lu Shao, she sent him two invitations specially. He could feel that she wanted to create opportunities for him and the other half in the future.

  The most strange thing is that Lu Shao, who has always guarded against Mrs. Young’s contact with the opposite sex, actually acquiesced to Mrs. Young’s favoritism, as if he was really Mrs. Young’s benefactor.

  But in fact, he has very little direct contact with Mrs. Shao.

He has always separated his work from personal affairs. Even if he was very surprised when he first saw Mrs. Lu, he would never let himself go to an impossible woman after learning about Lu Shao's feelings for him. Aroused interest, so from beginning to end, he avoided contact consciously or unconsciously.

  Lu Shao saw her morbid possessiveness best. He really didn’t understand why she helped him.

  Based on his understanding of Mrs. Lu Shao, she has never been nosy.

  Li Jia heard that, her thin lips were slightly hooked, and her green eyes were deep. "Remember the first time I mentioned you and Tang Shishi?"

  Yu Qing nodded. "remember."

  He asked how she knew at the time. He had never mentioned Tang poetry to outsiders, but she knew it perfectly, but when he asked it, she said it was a sleepwalking dream, and she just listened to it as a perfunctory answer.

  Li Jia smiled casually. "You did help me, and my brother knew about it, but you don't remember."

  After she finished speaking, she didn't say much, and walked past Yu Qing until she reached the corner of the corner, without turning her head back, she waved with Yu Qing to indicate that she had left. "Xiaochen's operation was successful, don't forget to tell me the good news, go ahead, Lei Feng."

  Yu Qingmeifeng all crowded together, he still didn't remember when he had any kindness to Madam Shao, Lu Shao still knew? Why doesn't he remember?

  Li Jiake doesn't care if Yu Qingji remembers it or not, as long as she remembers it.

  Speaking carefully, Yu Qing did take good care of her in her previous life, and she was regarded as half a matchmaker to her and her brother.

  If it weren’t for this, she wouldn’t help him several times. She and Yu Wan could become good friends because of Yu Qing’s relationship at first.

  Only later, she admired the graceful, dare to love, dare to hate, and her unproblematic character, and she became a real good friend.

  Now, in order to save her son and separate from her son, Yu's mother is chasing after her. Yu Qing becomes a sandwich biscuit. If she continues to develop, she may have irreparable consequences.

  The words have reached this point, if the three of them still get to the point where they are dead, it is their fate.

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