Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 1089: I promised to transfer custody rights

  When she heard that it was cancer, her brain was in a state of daze. After that, she fought with Yu Wan and just vented her anger.

   "Need suitable bone marrow, immediate family members have the highest chance of matching. Wanwan and I have done matching, but none of them are suitable." Yu Qing helped her up, and under the guidance of the doctor, went to do the matching.

  Yu Qing explained the matter clearly and diverted his mother's attention.

  Yu's mother hates Yu Wan, but she still has no objection to Yu Wansheng's Xiaochen.

  Now my grandson has blood cancer and needs a proper bone marrow transplant...

  Yu's mother figured out the cause and effect, and pondered for a while. When the doctor was doing various matching checks, she suddenly stared at her son. "If your old lady is unwilling, you also have to force your old lady on the operating table to get bone marrow?"

  Yu Qing has no expression on her face. "Mom, you laughed."

  Yu's mother's face was gloomy. The doctor was already doing a preliminary blood draw with the syringe. She did not look at the needle, but stared at Yu Qing's expressionless face.

  This son, for the sake of Yu Wan, the woman, spent five years without a person or a ghost.

  If she said that she hated Yu Wan the most, it was probably her.

  I worked hard to pull the grown up son. He has always been well-behaved and good. The only things that made her unhappy were two.

  One is being played around by the little **** of Tang Shishi, and the other is the marriage certificate with Yu Wan quietly.

  Finally got rid of that vampire in Tang Shishi, and there is another Yu Wan, there is no end! But Yu Wan ran away with her baby grandson divorced!

  She stared at the needle full of blood, not knowing what she was thinking.

  One week later, Yu Qing got the final result of the matching, and at the same time, she looked it up in the bone marrow bank. The bone marrow matching does not require the same blood type.

   Seeing the final result in his hand, Yu Qing’s expression could not tell what it was.

  Yu's mother took such a few pieces of paper and looked at it, then took a picture in front of Yu Wan. "I want Xiaochen to change his surname to Yu and give his custody to his dad."

  Yu Wan stared at the matching result in front of her, trying to say something, but did not say it.

  Is it godly?

   "The doctor said that there is no major problem with the hematopoietic ability of any of my cells, and it can be transplanted to my grandson." Yu mother felt really exasperated.

  Yu Qing's face turned black. "Mom, don't you plan to save your grandson if I don't take the custody of the child?"

  Yu mother gave him an angry look. "You don't want Xiaochen. Give me Xiaochen. Look at him by his mother? There are only a few bones left!"

  She turned to Yu Wan, whose face was suddenly blue and white, happy for a while, and lost.

   "If you want me to get my bone marrow to save Xiaochen immediately, you first transfer the custody right, and I immediately agree."

   "...Okay, I agree." Yu Wan stared at the desktop, her voice slow and firm.

  If Xiaochen can be restored to health, she doesn't care about it.

  Yu Qing stared at her mother. "Mom, do you know what you are talking about? You are threatening your grandson's mother with his life."

  Yu’s mother doesn’t look at him, she wants her grandson, but she doesn’t want the grandson’s mother. "Who told you not to remarry now? If you have more children, will your son not have the right bone marrow for him now?"

   "Boom——!" Yu Qing slapped the tabletop, and the table made a violent vibration.

  Yu Qing's face was green, and the eyes staring at his mother were full of bone-chilling chills, and Yu's mother was so shocked by him that he couldn't speak.

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