Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 1084: Unexpected inspection results

  Full body examination, it will take some time to wait for the result.

  Yu Wan and Yu Qing both wanted to know the result, so they simply waited in the hospital.

  The two sat on the bench. No matter what Yu Qing said, Yu Wan just hummed. Xiao Zhengtai got out of her mother's arms and sat between her parents, looking at her mother for a while, and tilting her head to look at her father for a while.

   After three hours of heavy rain at noon, the sun came out in the afternoon. Within two hours of exposure, there was no trace of rain on the street, but the weather was slightly cooler.

  It's almost seven o'clock in the evening, and the hot sun has not yet completely set.

  All the examination results in the hospital came out.

As soon as Yu Qing and Yu Wan got up, they saw a doctor in a white coat holding the test result in person. There were two medical staff behind the doctor. Their expressions could not tell, they just looked at Yu Wan and Yu Qingqian. The child's eyes are a little strange.

  "Doctor, what is the result of the examination?" When Yu Qing spoke, the doctor brought him a report. "You two are mentally prepared, there is something wrong with your child's situation."

  Yu Wan hasn't read the result yet, when she hears this, her ears roar.

What does    mean?

  Yu Qing has finished reading it, shocked and unbelievable. "Abnormal white blood cells? Leukemia? Doctor, did you check it wrong? My son is so young and our family has no history of this kind of disease. How could it be possible..."

  "Leukemia is not a genetic disease." Another doctor on the side corrected it.

  Probably see this situation too much, and the tone of speech is also very ordinary.

  Yu Wan is totally unacceptable, how could her son have this disease! ? "Doctor, can you cure it? My child is only four years old, you must cure him!"

"You can rest assured. Fortunately, the discovery was timely. It is not serious enough to be saved. However, if you want to cure it, you need a matched type of bone marrow to replace the child's diseased hematopoietic stem cells." The doctor said here, paused, and looked at the couple in front of him. both.

  "Generally, parents and brothers have a higher chance of matching successfully. Compared with strangers, the repetition rate afterwards will also be greatly reduced."

   means that they are relatives of the child, and there may be suitable ones.

  Hearing this, Yu Wan felt a little relieved. She knew that leukemia was commonly known as blood cancer, and she almost couldn't stand it when she knew it was cancer.

  Now I know that it can only be cured.

   "I can transplant my bone marrow to my child." Yu Wan agreed without thinking about it.

  The doctor glanced at her. Although under normal circumstances, the child had an accident, the parents knew that their bone marrow could be saved, and the metropolis agreed, but the lady promised too readily. The bone marrow is not as simple as blood.

  Yu Qing did not speak, he picked up the child who was still ignorant and knew nothing, gently stroked his back, followed Yu Wan, together with the doctor, went to check the fit.

  However, a week later, the matching results came out.

  Yu Wan went to get the results for the first time. She saw a few fluttering papers in her hand and quickly turned to the final results, just to see if it would work.

  However, when she saw the result, she was stunned.

   "How come? It's impossible not... I am his mother, how could I not?" Doesn't it mean that the parental matching success rate is 50%?

  Such a high success rate, relative to other organ matching, one in ten thousand, one in ten million, 50%, what a high success rate? Why did it fail?

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