Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 1078: Unhappy Retribution

  Which trouble is this?

  Yu Wan didn't want to entangle with Yu Qing anymore, hugged her child tightly, and walked out of the mall quickly.

  Yu Qing followed her and took her arm. "Wan Wan."

   "What do you want? I have done you well, why bother with you, we are already divorced!" Yu Wan struggled to get away from Yu Qing, and it was useless after several attempts.

  She didn’t want to see him again, she was afraid that people from Yu’s family would come to **** her child. The child is everything to her, and she would never let anyone have a chance to take him away.

  Yu Qing did not dare to let go. He was afraid that when he let go, she would disappear again.

  More and more people watched the excitement around, Li Jia helplessly made a gesture with the bodyguard who was not far behind.

  After a while, the security staff of the mall ran over to mediate the dispute between the ex-husband and the ex-wife.

  "Does this woman look familiar?" When the security guards pulled up Tang Mi'er on the ground, people around began to discover that this crazy so-called "original match" facial features seemed familiar.

  The actress who was once a smash hit, now no one knows when she walks on the street.

  It's been so long before someone feels familiar.

   "Where did I see it?"


   Whispering around, someone quickly slapped his head and exclaimed: "Tang Mi'er! Tang Mi'er who was sent to the drug rehabilitation center five years ago!"

   "It turned out to be her!?"

   "It's the female star who was sent to the drug rehabilitation center by gathering a crowd for prostitution and taking drugs!"

   "I heard that I was a mistress and broke up the husband and wife, but unfortunately the scandal broke out in the end and disappeared from the screen."

  I didn’t expect to meet Tang Mi'er, the protagonist who used to make a lot of noise here. Looking at the situation, this couple was divorced by Tang Mi'er?

  Looking at Yu Qing at this time, someone immediately discovered who he was from the depths of memory.

  The actor who abandoned his wife and took care of Tang Mier! Think about the vulgar videos of Tang Mi'er having relationships with several people at that time. Any passerby would be disgusted to watch. Don't mention it is Yu Qing who is said to be true to Tang Mi'er.

  No matter how affectionate the true love is, it is estimated that she will abandon Tang Mier.

  Five years later, who would have thought that they would have seen the follow-up?

   "It turned out to be them! Tang Mi'er, this **** got retribution, right?"

   "Let her be a junior! She deserves it!"

   recognized Tang Mi'er, and remembered that the person who had the incident immediately moved the target of the fire.

  When everyone finally realized that the young woman holding the child was probably the woman who was finally heartbroken and decided to divorce in the incident that year.

  Looking at the child she was holding and the ex-husband of the scumbag, it seemed that she was divorced when she was pregnant.

   "What a crime."

   "It's too late for the scumbag to regret it. It's obvious that his wife is much more beautiful than the mistress. Why is she blind?" A young girl fiddled with her mobile phone and posted a Weibo with a picture, looking up at the protagonists who had left the mall.

   "Who knows what he thinks?" Tang Mi'er and Yu Wan were also different.

   is probably true love comes with beautifying effects.

  The protagonist leaves, and all the people on the scene are separated in twos and threes.

   But for Yu Wan, Yu Qing can't get rid of it.

  Back home in the evening, Li Jia spoke to Lu Yichen about what he had seen in the day.

Lu Yichen came out of the bathroom with a loose white bath towel tied around his waist. The **** mermaid line was exposed. He was wiping his hair with a dry towel in his hand. His posture was **** and sultry compared to five years ago. , More of the charm of a mature man.

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