Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 1062: See monitor 1

When Yu Qing rushed to the hospital panting, Yu Wan had already left. Lang Yanhan raised his eyebrows when he saw him. "Secretary Yu is expensive, why come here to hang out?"

  Yu Qing looks around, trying to find Yu Wan. "Where is Wanwan?"

   "She's gone." Lang Yanhan said in a cool tone, stunned.

  When Yu Qing heard this, he turned and left. Lang Yanhan tilted his body and stood in front of him with a particularly unkind smile. "I have a video in my hand, are you interested?"

  Yu Qing kept walking, pushing him away and chasing him out, Lang Yanhan stared at his back. "It's your ex-wife."

The words   's ex-wife made Yu Qing's eyelids jump and stopped. "What video?"

   "Of course it is the video of your ex-wife cheating, how about it? Are you interested?" Lang Yanhan is afraid that the world will not be chaotic.

  Yu Qing didn't want to talk to him at all. Lang Yanhan said that one sentence in ten is really good.

"The reporter who was guarding outside said that they were going to pay a high price for our surveillance. The hospital transferred all the camera information and planned to destroy it. I saw a few acquaintances who planned to send them to them and kept them. I'm really not interested in coming down? Let's forget it." Lang Yanhan finished speaking, turning his neck and chest around, like the old man in the northeast, turning and leaving with an air.

  Without two steps, Yu Qing's voice stopped him.

"where is it?"

  Lang Yanhan smiled.

  This trick has been tried repeatedly, not only for Lu Yichen's stuff, but also for his secretary.

  Yu Qing returned home, took out the two memory cards immediately and turned on the computer to view the videos inside.

  The two cards were blackmailed by Lang Yanhan with a few red tickets before they were taken down. I don't know how Lang Yanhan's kind of eldest master who is not short of money did such a wicked thing.

  Yu Qing looked at the surveillance on the screen. It was surveillance at the corner of the aisle. It belonged to a public area. There was no privacy violation. He didn't quite understand what could happen in this surveillance.

  Until Wanwan's figure appeared in the surveillance.

   was the time Tang Mi'er hit his car into the hospital, and Wanwan came out of the ward.

  He remembered very clearly that at that time, Tang Mi'er had to stop him from walking with Yu Wan, and she touched the bedside and had a torn wound on her forehead, so she said to go to the infirmary to look for the doctor on duty to see Tang Mi'er.

During the surveillance, the girl came out of the ward alone. After she went out, her tears went straight and she wiped away the tears with her hands indiscriminately. She probably thought her appearance was ridiculous. She raised her face and pulled out an ugly smile, but the tears covered her face. Her makeup is smeared and looks like a cat.

She was so sad that she didn't dare to know, she bypassed crowded places, squatted on the ground and cried bitterly, her face buried in her knees, she shrank into a ball, crying for a while before she got up and cleaned up. Feeling, go to the infirmary to find a doctor.

  Yu Qing watched her secretly hiding from the side and crying, her heart was violently pulled.

   "Wan Wan... I'm sorry... I'm sorry..."

  Seeing this, he didn't even dare to look at the second card.

  He didn't know what he would see, he was afraid to see that he was hurting her.

  The video played quietly. In the screen, there was a crowded reporter, pushing and knocking her to the ground with her lunch box.

  At that time, he was separated from her. He clearly heard her voice and the voice of the reporter.

  But then...has he gone out?

  He originally wanted to go out, but later... later...

  Yu Qing's face turned pale as paper.

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