Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 1056: She can unilaterally ask for a divorce

  Yu Wan walked over, picking up a head that was "dead without looking down", and smiled: "I'm sorry, I scared you."

  The police all stepped back two steps, the face of the policeman holding the box turned blue, wouldn’t all the cardboard boxes contain this stuff?

  Too crippled! What does she want to do? Revenge against society?

  The flashes of the reporters also kept flashing. Although they were suddenly frightened, they immediately realized that this is the rhythm of big news!

  I’m not sure that tomorrow’s headline will be: Mrs. Yu was irritated, mentally disordered, and threw a **** stump at the police station...

  But Yu Wan looked normal.

   "The express is not mine, it is a gift I received a while ago." Yu Wan pointed to the recipient on the carton. "The recipient is me, and the sender's address is mostly blank or fictitious. The couriers can testify to me."

  And police officer Zhang, who had contacted Yu Wan in advance, was also busy. When he came out, he saw Yu Wan, and then looked at the scene to know what she was doing.

   "All these packages?"

  Yu Wan nodded. "Yes, in addition to severed limbs and heads, there are also knives, live poisonous insects, and filial piety paper money, and a few threatening letters."

  She methodically opened all the packages that had been taken apart, and poured the contents on the table.

  When the police heard her, they all backed away, and their faces were grim when they saw all kinds of objects on the table.

   "Who is this prank?"

   "This is too vicious!"

  Yu Wan smiled, showed the envelope to the police, and looked at the vicious curse on it. The seven-foot men who had always considered themselves cruel enough were startled.

  How much hatred is this?

"Since I was picked up by netizens, my life has been severely troubled. At first I was unprepared when I received the package. A few of them were opened at that time. Later, any sender I didn’t know sent me I didn’t open the package. I didn’t know what was in the package that I hadn’t opened.”

  Yu Wan said relaxedly, everyone present already understood what was going on.

  A while ago, Yu Wan was picked up by Tang Mi’er’s fans. The eight generations of her ancestors were about to be turned around. You can guess by looking at the delivery time.

"I didn't want to make this matter out, but there are still some things that can cause harm to the human body after contact. Now that I am pregnant, it has been known to the public. I don't know if there will be some harm Something unfavorable to the fetus, so... I had to call the police."

  Yu Wan finished speaking, and her eyes met Yu Qing who came out from inside.

  Yu Qing hurried over. "Wanwan, why are you here?"

   "Sister Yu, are you still unwilling to let me go? I'm already like this... Why do you want to kill them all?" Tang Mi'er held on to the door frame, trying to chase Yu Qing, but did not catch up, tears kept falling.

  Yu Wan pulled away Yu Qing's hand and said to the police: "I want to call the police. Tang Mi'er's fans have threatened me personally. I want to get justice back."

  When Tang Mi'er heard it, her eyes widened. "How can you talk nonsense?"

  "These are all evidences. You only need to go to the courier company to track down. I believe you can find out who the person is." Yu Wan pointed to the cartons piled up on the ground. "There are still many arrogant people above who even fill in the real sender's address clearly. I believe that the law can give me justice."

  She will tell everyone that if she is with Yu Qing, she will not end well, and she can unilaterally ask for a divorce!

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