Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 1053: Soon, everything will end

  "The scheming woman Tang Mi'er made a horrible trick and knelt down to beg for forgiveness! Forcing her original partner, she risked two lives!"

  This title, the rhythm of tearing apart minutes.

  As soon as the video was posted, half of the fans who persisted turned black again, and netizens were shocked.

  The contrast is too strong, Tang Mier is not going to have a gossip, it will turn the sky in a mess!

  However, all this has just begun, and a greater storm is still waiting for her.

Duan Xiu is a veteran. When Li Jia approached him before, he had already thought about the feasibility of things. There was no need to shake them all out. A brewing process was always needed to make the audience's impression of Tang Mi'er worse. It was as indestructible as it was at the beginning, and then exposed the big material at the bottom of the pressure box in one fell swoop, pulling it down the abyss completely.

  For Tang Mi'er, when she was found taking drugs, the star journey had been ruined.

  The country has a very low tolerance for exposure of public figures to drugs. Since you have entered this industry, you should understand that many things should not touch the bottom line. Public figures themselves are for the public, and they are paid attention to every move, which is a benchmark.

  Don’t say anything to relieve stress. There are so many people in this world who are under great pressure.

  He intends to use this incident as the finale to destroy the psychological defense of fans, but the incident is now going on, it is almost time to close the net.

When Yi Teng saw the news, he sent someone to the police station to understand the situation. When Yi Teng Entertainment's lawyers saw the evidence presented by the other party, they hinted that Yi Teng, Tang Mi'er wanted to get rid of it, it was almost impossible, and the lawsuit won. Very small, things will be revealed sooner or later.

   Tang Mi'er's move is tantamount to ruin.

  Yiteng smoked in the company alone, and the cold and hard facial features were a little more gloomy in the smoke.

   "Tang Mi'er is considered useless."

"This is not the point. Our company has artists, and it's not difficult to support one more. It's just that Shenghao chased Tang Mi'er, I am afraid it is not just against her." Several companies standing in front of Yi Teng High-level, calmly analyze the current situation.

It’s a joke to say how important Tang Mi’er is, but Tang Mi’er is a popular actor of Yi Teng Entertainment. Yi Teng spent a lot of effort to support it, but she was easily provoked by Sheng Hao, Duan Xiu. Never make a loss-making business.

   is obviously for Yiteng Entertainment.

  How could Yiteng not know? He knows too well. Speaking of Duan Xiu, he used to be his alumnus, and he had already met him in college. Now he meets again, and it is also Yuanjia Luzhai.

  The scandals of Tang Mi'er rose one after another, and the more troubles became. Yu Wan stayed in the hospital for a few days. After the fetal image stabilized, she was discharged and returned home.

  She lives on the floor that Yu Qing bought after marriage. It has more than 150 square meters. Although it is not as spacious as the villa area, it is her and Yu Qing’s home.

  When she was discharged from the hospital, she did not notify anyone, and there was no one at home at this time.

  Take out the signed divorce agreement from the room and flip through it. There is only her signature on it. Yu Qing still refuses to sign it.

  This agreement will take effect as long as he signs it.

It has been a year since she and Yu Qing obtained the certificate. She respected his choice and never mentioned it to anyone deliberately. Many relatives and friends did not know that she was married. This time the incident broke out and many acquaintances called When asked, she changed her number and did not respond to anyone.

  At first, when Xiao San was scolded and threatened, she survived. Now, what is she afraid of?

   Soon, everything will end.

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