Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 1049: Take measures

  She supported the seat with both hands and wanted to sit up. Lu Yichen's white and slender hands grabbed Jiajia's belt and did not let go, and her black eyes stared at her quietly, without moving.

   "Jiajia, are you trying to force X in your brother's marriage?"

  "I will call the police." Li Jia educates him seriously.

   "The police are very busy, so I don't have time to take care of this." Lu Yichen felt that he couldn't bear it anymore. If he bears it, he will become a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle.

  The doctor said that he could have **** with him two months ago. His mother said that Jiajia’s baby was delivered by a cesarean section, and the recovery period would be longer. He endured it.

  But the two young ones in the family are almost four months old, Jiajia can go to the house to uncover the tiles, and he is still practicing abstinence, which is too inhumane.

   "My eldest aunt hasn't come, so her body must have not recovered well..." Seeing that he was dull, Li Jia wanted to force her to force her, and turned to the soft policy.

  Lu Yichen kept burying his head in untying her clothes, and said dullly: "Don't think I don't know the reason, breastfeeding will be delayed."

  In order to better take care of Jiajia, he himself knows pregnant women better than pregnant women, and has a lot of knowledge, such as: How long can he recover after giving birth? How long will the eldest aunt be normal after delivery? How long can you love after giving birth?

  Although each mom is in a different situation, she is recovering well, and she does not breastfeed, and some come to her aunt one month after delivery.

  Of course, this kind of situation is very rare, and it is normal for three to four months if it is a little better, but it is normal for a mother who feeds her baby and is breastfeeding to come to her aunt half a year later.

  So, the time in between can range from one month to one year, depending on the constitution of the individual.

   "But, I haven't breast-fed two months ago...huh!" Li Jia cried out in pain, and was slurped.

   "Who said that?" Lu Yichen said vaguely.

  What does it mean to stop breastfeeding two months ago? Is she always breastfeeding? It's just not two small ones.

  The two small meatballs are fed by several nurses, enough for their rations.

  As long as he meets their mother, he will not let go. When he let go, he will cry earth-shaking. He has to adopt a policy of gradual differentiation. How can a boy stick to their mother so much?

  Li Jia looked at the roof of the car helplessly, seeing that he was eager to look like a ghost who hadn’t driven him. Li Jia sympathized with him for two seconds. After two seconds, she began to sympathize with herself.

  "You, you, you—you are crazy!" Li Jia cried out in pain, and overthrew him, rolling down from the car.

  She also ignored the image problem, carrying her belt, and ran out quickly.

  Someone has been a vegetarian monk for a year and a half. God knows what it will be like when he has such a chance. Li Jia is scared when he looks at it.

  She has been postponing this kind of thing, just because she was afraid that he would be like this, it was enough for her to bear before, but now she is afraid that she can't hold it back after so long.

  Li Jia ran at a fast speed. When she got out of the garage, she had returned to normal. She was hugged from behind as soon as her boots stepped on the threshold.

   "Brother!" Li Jia exclaimed.

  Lu Yichen picked her up, didn't even change her shoes, and rushed upstairs amidst the daunting expressions of the cleaning maids.

   "Bang!" Close the door.

  Li Jia was thrown on the bed. The bed had good elasticity. She quickly turned sideways and escaped. Only halfway through, she was covered by a hot body, and kisses overwhelmingly fell on her body.

  As soon as Li Jia saw his posture, he knew that he was going to explain today, so he had to stretch out Erkang's hand to struggle.

   "...do...do good measures!!!"

  Although she is currently in a safe period, it is difficult to guarantee that in case, we must take measures!

After    shouted, she was thrown over by a certain hungry ghost and finished.

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