Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 1045: She stopped playing

  At that time, she knew that Tang Mi'er didn't know it, but Tang Mi'er looked down on him, it was too easy to get, and people always didn't take it seriously.

  Perhaps, it was from that time that he was unfair and distressed for him.

  He is so good, why doesn’t Tang Mi'er like him?

  She has always hoped to find her partner in the future. She doesn’t need to be rich, she just needs to treat her wholeheartedly and really care about her. Yu Qing is so fit.

  She thought that she would definitely be able to, and she would be by his side, she would do better than Tang Mi'er.

  So, when he rushed over once when he was drunk, she stupidly gave herself to him.

The moment he woke up, looking at the shock and despair in his eyes, her heart was stabbed, her self-esteem suddenly appeared, and she laughed and molested him, saying that she had put him a virgin to sleep and would be responsible for him, pretending to be nonchalant. Get up, just like an old driver doesn't care.

But no one knew, at that moment her heart was pierced. She knew what despair he felt when he saw her sleeping beside her. Did he think that he would sleep with a woman other than Tang Mier? Isn't it worthy of Tang Mi'er?

  It's as if he was rolling the sheets with her, but he thought of another woman.

  At that moment, her heart was full of panic. It was the first time she had done such an intimate thing with a man, and her whole body was painful as if she was being disassembled and crushed.

   but still pretends to have experienced a lot of battles.

  He is a very responsible person. He insisted on being responsible, and he really pulled her to get the certificate. The moment she got the marriage certificate, she was confused.

After   , Tang Mi'er seems to have disappeared from life, except for the TV series she acted in, she occasionally saw it on TV and Internet news, and did not meet her for a long time.

She thought he would forget slowly, and he would release it slowly. Even if he occasionally saw Tang Mi'er lost in the TV series, she would comfort herself. He is a silly person and would definitely not forget it so quickly. Just a little time...

  But, she did not expect that he would collect Tang Mi'er's items...so careful, so cherish...

  When she was cleaning, she saw the special cabinet in his room storing everything about Tang Mier, her photos, her clothes, her hairband, jewelry, all traces of her were carefully stored by him and kept carefully.

  At that time, she was about to collapse and suddenly realized a cruel reality.

  She shouldn’t love a man who is really infatuated, because that person’s all right thoughts are not you.

Just a month ago, their relationship began to go to a low point again. It happened that that night she and him got together for the second time. She was so angry, seeing him coming back from drunken entertainment, and rushing to prove everything, is it right? The same as the first time, still thinking so persistently about another woman who doesn't take him seriously!

  He still thinks of Tang Mi'er!

  Little poem...it’s another poem again!

  She knew that Xiao Shi was Tang Mi'er's previous name.

  But, at least at the last moment, he finally called her name soberly, Wanwan, it was these two words that made her unable to be cruel.

  People are really cheap. There is a slight possibility that a drowning person grabs the straw that saves lives, not wanting to let go of any hope.

  The people you love make mistakes and are always easy to forgive. There are always reasons to forgive them. She is so stupid as Yu Qing! So cheap!

  Too painful, she lost, she couldn't beat Tang Mi'er, she didn't want to play the game of stealing the heart anymore, she had given her heart, not an outsider, there was no difference between playing and torturing herself to be safe.

  She is no longer playing, she just wants to get out quickly!

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