Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 1042: Rare blood type

   "It's you..." She fell back on the ground, dazed and distressed.

  Li Jia curls her lips, smiles sweetly, full of malice. "it's me."

   Tang Mi'er lost her soul, murmured, and laughed low, Yu Qing was too stupid, it must be him, it must be Li Jia he asked for.

   Seeing her crying and laughing again, with a look of disgusting melancholy and regret, Li Jia was very tired. "Tang Mi'er, are you acting too much as the heroine? Narcissism is a disease, thinking that all men in the world should be around you?"

  She slowly stood up straight, her straight and slender legs were like a benchmark, and her green eyes were like a hunting night cat. "What are you thinking? Yu Qing knelt and begged me to let you out of the cell. Did you still misunderstand him? Suddenly think he is your true love? You should accept his affection more? Kick away the Huang Lian Po who is in the way beside him? Love?"

  She said every word, the words were clear, and the words were like knives. Tang Mi'er's face turned pale and blue when she heard her. All the colleagues who watched the bustle on the side looked disgusted, and looked at Tang Mi'er like a disgusting bug.

Originally just watching the lively colleagues, at this moment, they were all shocked by the shocking news that Li Jia revealed. They didn’t expect this actress to be so disgusting, and what they didn’t expect was that Secretary Yu and Yu Wan would have been married a long time ago. , When did this happen?

  "Don't talk nonsense." Tang Mi'er flushed with tears and helplessness, and wanted to leave the place that made her embarrassed.

  How would Li Jia make her wish?

  Without her own hands, someone has stopped in front of her, blocking her way. "Miss Tang, the police will come later, please cooperate a little bit."

"What do you want to do? Do you want to kidnap? Why don't you let me go? I didn't break the law!" Tang Mi'er secretly regretted that she shouldn't come to arrest people so impulsively, but just think of Yu Wan's **** child She may have a miscarriage because of this, and she feels comforted.

   "Whether there is any violation of the law is not up to Miss Tang, you have the final say." When the colleagues in the company saw Li Jia personally intervened in the matter, they called the police and all stood up and blocked Tang Mi'er's path.

   Tang Mi'er was trapped and couldn't get out. Li Jia was very worried about Yu Wan's situation and had no time to talk to Tang Mi'er any more.

   "Don't worry, I have already called someone in the hospital, and the next rescue will be arranged there."

Lu Yichen did not know when he had already left the office. He took off his black suit jacket and only wore a white shirt with a tie. He was tall and tall, with wide shoulders and a narrow waist, and he stood in the crowd with the sensuality of a mature male. , You can recognize it at a glance.

  He walked to Li Jia, raised his finger and stroked the folds of Fu Jiajia's eyebrows.

  Li Jia looked at his dress, frowning tighter. "Put on the coat and I will go to the hospital to see."

  It is very cold, even if there is heating in the company, it is easy to catch a cold.

  When Li Jia rushed to the hospital, Yu Wan was still in emergency treatment, her mood fluctuated too much, her fetal gas was inflated, and her condition was not very good.

  Yu Qing kept guarding outside the door, sitting on the bench without saying a word, with elbows on his knees, hands folded on his forehead, head hanging, unable to see his expression buried in the shadows.

   Seeing his virtue, Li Jia knew that he couldn't ask anything. When the doctor came out, he hurried forward to inquire about Yu Wan.

The doctor who came out just met Li Jia. The doctor saw that it was Li Jia. He roughly mentioned what he knew to her. Finally, he said: "The child's month is too short. The pregnant woman has O-type RH negative blood. We try to save the fetus. ."

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