Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 1039: Stop deceiving yourself

Recently, things happened so quickly that Yu Wan’s life has been harassed to a certain extent. Lu Yichen originally planned to give her a few days’ holiday to adjust, but she refused. Every day in the company, at least outside reporters dare not run in, she can also Get a moment of peace.

Yu Qing has not found Yu Wan for several days. Tang Mi'er was discharged from the hospital today. He did not go to pick up people. He blocked Yu Wan in the company early. He didn't see her for several days. He went to Xinfeng Electronics to look for her before. Yu Shengtian refused. Tell him Yu Wan's whereabouts, she has been avoiding herself.

  In the company, she always avoids him.

Early in the morning, Yu Qing stayed at the elevator entrance on the eighteenth floor. When it was time for work, people in the company came one after another. After waiting for two hours, after a batch of people entered the company, the elevator was in Yuqing. Open in front.

  But saw Lu Shao and Mrs. Shao, and two bodyguards and Yu Wan came up together.

  Yu Wan was standing beside Li Jia. The two were talking. When they walked out together, they had not found Yu Qing the first time.

   "You should go to the hospital to see, if there is any problem, you can find it in time."

   "It's nothing big, I don't want to go to a place like a hospital now." Yu Wan smiled, not in a good state of mind.

   "You are like this, Yu Qing knows..." Li Jia has already seen Yu Qing standing in front of the elevator, with his thick black eyes fixed on Yu Wan with red eyes.

  Li Jia’s voice paused and walked around Yu Qing. As if he hadn’t seen him, Lu Yichen took her by her waist and took her to his office.

  Yu Wan also wanted to bypass Yu Qing, but Yu Qing blocked the elevator door.

  The people in the elevator are gone, only Yu Wan who is stuck inside, Yu Wan looks up at him. "you……"

  Yu Qing stepped into the elevator with a stride and pressed the first floor. The elevator closed in front of him. Yu Wan was surprised and wanted to go out, but was blocked by Yu Qing.

   "What on earth do you want to do?"

   "Nothing happened to Xiao Shi and I, Wanwan, I..."

"You still love her, Yu Qing, don't lie to me, don't lie to yourself." Yu Wan only felt dizzy for a while. She was blocked by reporters these days and could not even get out of her house. Some fans of Tang Mi'er sent her horror items and cursed her to die.

  She felt that her spirit was about to collapse.

   "Wanwan, I'm sorry, can you give me a little time? I will deal with it, and this kind of thing will never happen again, we are husband and wife." Yu Qing grabbed Yu Wan's wrist and refused to let her go out.

When the elevator reached the first floor, the moment the elevator door opened, the employees outside the door saw the people inside, showing an expression of astonishment. Yu Qing's icy eyes passed through the transparent lens to stare at the people outside, and the people who originally wanted to come up again. Go back scared.

  He pressed the close door and pressed the eighteenth floor again.

  Lu Shao’s office is on the eighteenth floor. As his secretary, the office is also on that floor.

  The elevator door was closed, and it went up again, and the employees standing outside looked at each other in twos and threes.

  Are they just Secretary Yu and Miss Yu?

  Recently, there has been a lot of noise. I heard that Miss Yu was a third party. The star named Tang Mi'er made a noise. Now probably few people don't know.

  In the elevator, Yu Wan pushed Yu Qing away desperately.

   "What do you think about me? Didn't you hear what the people outside say? I am you and Tang Mi'er's junior..." Yu Wan didn't finish, Yu Qing hugged her into her arms.

   "Wanwan, I'm sorry."

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