Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 1031: Sooner or later kicked to the iron plate

  Li Jia suddenly stood up. "No! I will never spare Yu Qing this scumbag!"

Speaking of it, Yu Wan fell in love with Yu Qing so quickly, including her own handwriting. Every time she met Yu Wan, she praised Yu Qing as a flower. Many banquets were created for Yu Wan, and she would specially make it for Yu Wan. Opportunity, in the end, who knows, she was so optimistic about Yu Qing, and in the end she was so confused, she immediately ran to show her hospitality when she saw Tang Mi'er injured!

  Yu Wan is used to paying, can he ignore it? With his wife beside him, he ran to take care of his childhood sweetheart.

Ha ha.

  She wouldn’t be called Li Jia if she didn’t give him a lifelong lesson.

Just like she introduced a box of freshly baked cakes to Yu Wan, telling her how fragrant and delicious this piece of cake is, she would definitely regret not buying it, so she hurriedly hugged it home, and then she happily bought it back. When I went home, I found that the cake was moldy.

  What makes her feel bad?

Lu Yichen saw that Li Jia was so angry that he wanted to show Yu Qing a good look. He laughed and said, "What are you going to do? Tang Mi'er is probably using Yu Qing, but she always loves her face, this time. When you hit it, you must have been cruel, and there may be three points of sincerity in it."

  Sometimes, people are always so cheap. When a person loves you and chases you, and everything is centered on you, you dismiss it, and you may even look down on the other person so cheap.

  But if one day, you get used to the other party’s contribution, suddenly he turns around and doesn’t love you anymore, and you can’t stand it anymore.

  Wasn’t he once so cheap? It's just that he is smarter, not to the point where Tang Mi'er is so dying, otherwise, he can't even imagine whether Jiajia will do anything terrible when marrying someone else.

  Lu Yichen rubbed her hair, and looked at Jiajia's angry look very fresh and beautiful. He held his cheeks to admire and looked at her with a smile.

  "His scumbag attributes will sooner or later kick the iron plate." Li Jia sneered. "Let him stay with Tang Mi'er, but..."

  Li Jia stood up and leaned against the wall with her chest, her green eyes flashed with cold light for a moment. "If he wants to use his friendship and power of creation to benefit Tang Mi'er, it is a dream."

Behind Tang Mi’er is Yi Teng Entertainment. Duan Xiu dealt with Tang Mi’er and aimed at Yi Teng Entertainment. Originally there was no influence on her or her. It would not be impossible to change to the top of Yi Teng Entertainment to expose the scandal, but also It takes time to go around the bend, and it is the easiest to directly pull Tang Mier and send Yiteng Entertainment into the water.

  Li Jia thought of the time when Tang Mi'er became popular and the movements of the past, and she sneered in her heart. At first, she pulled Tang Mi'er out of the cell to help Yu Qing, and then sent her back. It was also "returning things to their original place."

  Her eyes are sharp, and there is a hint of heroism between her delicate eyebrows.

  Lu Yichen stared at her intently. After Jiajia recovered, she had come back sharply. This seemed to be her unique temperament when she was the rose of Ye Xiao.

  Duan Xiu looked at the couple who appeared in her office and couldn't help but look at the calendar. What day is today?

  Look again at Shao Lu, who was sitting on the sofa, staring at Li Jia with an idiotic expression. The corners of his mouth twitched and looked back at Li Jia.

  Just after New Year's Day, the imperial capital had a few snowfalls. Li Jia wore black pencil pants, white high-heeled boots, a white turtleneck sweater and a short denim jacket. He was slender and had long hair to waist.

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