Yi Teng Entertainment’s move was so distracting, it really made many people suspect that it was a play directed and performed by Shenghao.

  How could Lu Yichen let Yiteng Entertainment succeed?

  What about diverting attention? He has made Tang Mi'er arrogant for a long time, and now he has caught stepping on it hard, holding onto it.

The news that Tang Mi'er airborne the crew several times was released one after another, squeezing out the newcomers and replacing them. The audience was unwilling to believe that when the squeezed out newcomers stood up and said that something really happened, everyone was still waiting and watching. Some people still felt that it was a match against Tang. Mier's conspiracy.

  But everyone's attitude is obviously beginning to waver.

  At this time, the police department’s Weibo that handled Tang Mi’er’s car accident also published a long Weibo explaining the whole process, and there was even a surveillance video of the accident scene.

  You said that others framed Tang Mi'er? Then I will release the video of the accident for the public to judge.

  The twenty minutes-long video was reprinted one after another by the official media of Shenghao, Qiao Nan, Bo Xuanrui, Su Lan, and the official blog of the "Eternal Heart" TV series, which aroused the support of many marketing fans.

  In the end, major well-known forums, Weibo, and Tieba have begun to spit on Tang Mi'er and suffer from persecution delusion. Yi Teng Entertainment, which claims that Tang Mi'er has been framed by others, has also been bombarded and its reputation is greatly damaged.

  It happened that the complete video released by the police station perfectly cleaned up the original stains on Qiao Nan and Su Lan. Everyone clearly saw that they were running out from another direction to save people, and the matter had nothing to do with them at all.

And Bo Xuanrui clarified for Su Lan very early that the foreign young man she was supporting was not discriminating against or pleasing anyone, but because the foreign friend was Mrs. Lu Shao’s cousin, and Su Lan was a cousin with him. Friends will help.

  The topic of the three people once again soared, and finally began to be positive, and Tang Mi'er was just the opposite.

Tang Mi'er didn't care about the online war of words. She walked along the way, and I don’t know how many people were jealous of her. She relied on her own strength and supported by the CEO of Yiteng Entertainment. She only had to watch Shenghao’s people be beaten. Face is fine.

  Who knows, things are completely beyond her imagination.

  When Yi Teng began to give up the resources that were originally biased towards her once again to another actress, Tang Mier could not sit still, and found Yi Teng, the CEO of Yi Teng Entertainment.

"Mr. Yi, Yang Qing’s cosmetic endorsement is clearly me. Why has she become her now?" Tang Mi'er was very unhappy. She is no longer the Tang poetry that was squeezed by others. She is a multitude of people. The attention-grabbing first-line celebrities can't compete with a second-rate star, how can they be reconciled?

"Don't look at how much trouble it has caused the company? Do you still want to endorse? Yang Qing was requested to be replaced by the other cosmetics company. If you look at the news, how do you evaluate you outside?" ?

He has recently been debilitated by Duan Xiu. This is obviously aimed at Yi Teng Entertainment’s arrogance. Chi Guoguo threw it on his face, but Tang Mi'er was picked up by him with one hand. Yiteng Entertainment also suffered.

  If it hadn't been for giving up Tang Mi'er in this sensitive period, people would feel that Yi Teng Entertainment would kill the donkey, he would have been rude to Tang Mi'er!

   Tang Mi'er's beautiful face sank, she took a deep breath to calm herself down. "what should I do?"

  Yi Teng was startled when he heard the words, and suddenly stared at Tang Mi'er. "Lu Yichen's secretary Yu Qing likes you, as long as he is willing to help you, you will be fine."

  Tang Mi'er's face is complicated. She has used Yu Qing many times and has already broken up with him. She verbally rejected him and told him not to pester her in the future, and now she asked her to lower her face to beg him?

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