Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 1023: Lu Shao's small grievances

   "I feel a little bit as a dad, don't make trouble without reason."

  Li Jia wants to roll his eyes, how can anyone be jealous with his own son?

To be honest, the brothers and sisters Yuluo and Chenchen separated from her in the early days, and the two small meat groups are relatively independent. Perhaps the family intends to teach the eldest son and the eldest daughter to be independent. In short, most of the two children are the same as the little adults , She looked distressed and guilty.

  When she was absent from the baby's infancy, she wanted to make up afterwards, and found that the little guy had been taught to be very sensible, which made her a mother very frustrated.

  When these two brothers were born, she might really indulge them subconsciously. When Yulu and Chenchen were so young, she had no chance. This time, she didn't want to be absent again.

  When she heard the child’s cry, she was really distressed and cut off. When she was sick, watching the baby cry uncomfortably, she was about to cry. This kind of feeling can only be realized by being a mother.

  Lu Yichen passed an arm through Jiajia's back waist, held it on her waist, and kissed her side of her face. His slender palm moved up from her waist, staring at her with blurred eyes. "Jia Jia..."

   "Don't make trouble." Li Jia handed the sleeping baby to his arms. "Hold your son, I'll go to the bathroom."

  Lu Yichen accepted the little enemy with his fate, and when he saw his small mouth, he wanted to cry, so he shook it gently. "Be good."

Li Jia pursed his lips and chuckled, got up and went to the bathroom to change the bra. The babysitter was hired at home, but she would also feed the baby. After feeding the baby, it is easy to get her clothes dirty. Sometimes when she doesn’t come back from home in time, she feels that she will get up. Uncomfortable, clothes have to be changed again.

She hadn’t tried this kind of experience before. When she gave birth to Yulu and Chenchen, she had been raising the injuries caused by the car accident. She didn’t feed the child at all, and she didn’t feel anything. Now she has fed the child and wanted to not feed it. It's...unspeakable pain.

  Li Jia frowned, the inside of bra was wet, she changed clothes and went out of the bathroom. When she saw the stairs, her brother was whispering to the nanny to hold the child to sleep in the cradle next to her brother.

  The nanny nodded repeatedly, carefully took the sleeping baby from his arms, and turned his head upstairs.

  Lu Yichen was greatly relieved, Li Jia looked funny. "Is your son a scourge? How did you get through when you brought Yuyu and Chenchen?"

  Actually, her brother is really skilled in bringing the baby, and he will not do dangerous and ignorant things. It shows that he has done his homework.

"That's different. When Jiajia wasn't there, I could only keep two small chat tables for comfort." Lu Yichen lowered his head, kissed his sister's lips, approached her ear, and whispered softly: "... Jiajia, Can you..."

  While speaking, the warm air flow swept across her tender neck, and Li Jia'er was flushed, and he caught his hand that was touching his legs. "Don't make a fuss, be good, not for the time being."

  Lu Yichen hugged his wife's small waist, which had recovered to a slender waist, and hugged her into his arms. "You can't torture brother like this, Jia Jia... it's been a year..."

  He is pure and can become a monk.

   "Brother be good." Li Jia stood on tiptoe and gently kissed his chin. "Wait a little longer."

   "The doctor said, the baby is three months old, it's okay..." Lu Yichen's voice was low and hoarse, and the dense kiss landed on his wife's collarbone.

  Li Jia did not speak, and gently wrapped her brother's waist, she could feel that his body had reacted somewhat at this time.

  Lu Yichen picked up Jiajia, carried her back to the room, closed the door, and pressed her into the European-style bed, with hot hands poking in through her clothes.

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