Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 1014: Turned out to be an acquaintance

  The poisoned people are specifically targeting Sulan!

  Su Lan also realized the crux of the problem, and her face turned paler. Who hates her so much? Want her life!

  Since entering the entertainment industry, her fame has risen too fast, which has indeed hindered the eyes of many people, but she has always slapped her or secretly discredited her reputation. She has never been poisoned to kill her.

"Go to Winnie's room to see if the glass of water is still there. I remember Winnie didn't pick up the water from the nurse. I took it and put it aside and ignored it." Because it was a full glass, the little nurse was packing up things. , Took away the kettle and empty cups, and her confiscated them.

  I only hope that the glass of water is still there, but Li Jia knows in her heart that she is afraid that nothing can be detected by her glass of water.

   "I will ask the hospital staff to check on this matter, so take a good rest." Lu Yichen wiped away the broken hair on Jiajia's cheek with the warm palm of his hand, and kissed Jiajia on the corner of her lips.

  Just had a caesarean section, Jiajia's energy is limited, and he doesn't want her to be tired.

  Caesarean section operation hurts the vitality of the woman, and the recovery period is longer than that of normal delivery.

  Li Jia nodded, but she couldn’t figure out, who did it so cruelly?

  Lu Yichen moved quickly. He sent someone to Winnie’s room to check the remaining glass of water in Winnie’s ward. The test results showed that it was just a glass of ordinary cold white water.

   Called out the monitoring of the day and locked the nurse who Duanshui came in. There was nothing in the monitoring. Lu Yichen and Bo Xuanrui went to see the little nurse who Duanshui came in.

   When seeing people, Bo Xuanrui's face became very ugly, Lu Yichen looked dark, his thin lips were as bright as red rose petals, and the smile at the corners of his mouth made people feel ghastly.

   turned out to be an acquaintance.

  When the nurse was brought in to see them, Lu Yichen, Bo Xuanrui, and even the bodyguards behind Lu Yichen recognized her.

  "It's really you." It was Bo Xuanrui who spoke.

  Actually, when she brought water into Winnie's ward, he noticed that this woman was a bit familiar, but he didn't recognize it immediately.

   "Lu Shao, Mr. Bo, this is the intern nurse in the recent batch of fresh graduates from our hospital. She is not a formal employee of the hospital. Her name is..."

   "Liu Feifei."

  Wait for the deputy dean to explain, Bo Xuanrui had already remembered this woman's name.

   Liu Feifei stood there nervously, with an ordinary face full of anxiety, occasionally drifting towards Bo Xuanrui with a little bit of shame and aggrieved grievance.

   "No... I don't know why you came to me?" Liu Feifei looked at Lu Yichen nervously. She was just a little girl who had just left the university campus and entered society and was uneasy about unexpected situations.

  The smile at the corner of Lu Yichen's mouth widened, revealing a deep chill.

   If he said that at the beginning, he only had three points of suspicion for the nurse at Duan Shui, but now that he saw Liu Feifei, he had already risen to nine points.

  Liu Feifei is not a good stubborn. Originally a small character, he played a little bit of caution on the Internet, but was punished afterwards, and he was no longer aggressive.

   But whoever thinks it, it turns out that he is a benevolent woman.

  Although this time, the target of the poison was not directed at Jia Jia, but Jia Jia was pregnant with the child. If one accidentally eats it, he will kill him!

  Lu Yichen's anger couldn't be suppressed, and Bo Xuanrui's face had sunk to the bottom.

  When confirming Liu Feifei’s identity, he almost had the same idea as Lu Yichen.

  But, they have no evidence.

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