"Come in."

  Hearing a knock on the door, Su Lan ran to open the door in person.

  The little nurse lowered her head and walked into the ward.

   "I'll come." Su Lan wanted to pick it up, and the little nurse smiled.

"No, you sit down, I'll be fine." She gave a shy smile, put the tray on the table, put the kettle in place, and handed the four cups of water poured on the tray to Bo Xuanrui and Su Lan. With Li Jia, and Winnie.

  Winnie waved his hand and didn't ask for it. After Li Jia took it, he habitually said thank you politely, and did not drink.

Su Lan took it. The water temperature was just right. With the lukewarm, she drank it in one gulp, and poured a few more glasses. Bo Xuanrui drank very gentlemanly. The little nurse looked at him unblinkingly. I think this little nurse is a bit weird, but it's funny to see her like that.

  At first glance, he is a fan of Bo Xuanrui. No wonder the attitude is so diligent.

  For such a little girl, she has seen a lot of them, and she didn't care.

  Bo Xuanrui frowned, and passed the empty cup after a drink.

   Seeing this, Winnie said coldly: "I don't need a nurse for the time being, you can go out first."

  The little nurse hurriedly lowered her head, glanced at Bo Xuanrui in shock, hurriedly packed the trays and empty cups, and turned around out of the ward.

  She stood in a special position, Li Jia turned her head puzzled, only to see the back of the little nurse. "what's happenin?"

   "Nothing, Xuanrui's little fan, keep your eyes on it." Su Lan smiled.

  Li Jia nodded, accompanied the two of them to talk to Winnie for a while, got up and prepared to go back to the room, Winnie was worried, and Su Lan quickly followed. "Xuanrui and I are leaving too. There are many things in the company. I will talk to Jiajia for a while and send her upstairs to go back."

   "Alright, I'll accompany you over there." Bo Xuanrui followed closely. He and Winnie really had nothing to say.

  Li Jia knew that the atmosphere of the three of them alone was weird and did not stop them.

  The bodyguards guarding the room saw Li Jia gone, and followed to protect her safety.

   "I didn't expect, you really got Bo Yingdi." When waiting for the elevator, Li Jia smiled and looked at Su Lan. "When do you drink your wedding wine?"

   "It's too early." Su Lan and Bo Xuanrui looked at each other and smiled.

  The elevator made a ding sound, indicating that it has arrived.

   Several people talked and laughed and entered the elevator together, two bodyguards went in together, and the others took the elevator next to them to follow behind.

  Li Jia stared at the jumping number. For some reason, her heart trembled suddenly, and she suddenly remembered the scene of being trapped in the elevator with her in the Creation Building.

I thought to myself that once I was bitten by a snake for ten years, I was afraid of the ropes. Every time I took the elevator, I felt uneasy. As a result, when the elevator reached the fifth floor to the sixth floor, it suddenly went black and the elevator stopped moving. The light went out immediately.

   Li Jia felt cold, and quickly held on to the wall.

   "What's the matter?" Bo Xuanrui's face changed slightly.

   "Has the power cut?" Su Lan's heart was shaking.

   "How can there be a power outage in the hospital?"

   "Isn't it a malfunction?"

  The sound is still normal.

  The two bodyguards behind Li Jia immediately rang the emergency call bell.

   "It may be a malfunction." Zhao Yan tried to open the elevator door, but it was useless and the elevator didn't move.

   "Don't worry, Madam Young, you will be fine soon." Da Liu comforted.

  In fact, he is very disturbed. This is not in the Chuangshi Building, but a hospital where people come and go. It is also an exclusive elevator. Usually there are few people and the possibility of being discovered is relatively low.

   Even more frightening is that these two elevators are started by the same system, and several of them may also be trapped in the elevator next to them.

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