Chapter 85

After the second broadcast

Many viewers’ eyes have also shifted to the second station.

However, people were surprised when they saw Guan Hongshan and found evidence of Lin Ci’s perjury.

“I found it?”

“Lin Ci is too careless, right?”

“It’s over, this time Lin Ci is completely finished…it’s too bloated.”

At this time, Guan Hongshan was interrogating Sun Cheng.

Looking at the ashtray in front of Guan Hongshan, this interrogation has been going on for a while


Guan Hongshan slapped the table suddenly

“You also said that you are not doing perjury!?”

Guan Hongshan’s expression is very serious: “We have obtained the transfer records that Lin Ci gave you, as well as your case!”

“Now, no matter how much you argue, it’s useless at all!”

Sun Cheng shook his head: “I’m going to die right away. If I kill a person, I will kill if I kill it.”

“What can you do with me?

“Lin Ci gave me the money, did he give it to me?”

“Don’t you know my situation?”

These words are naturally taught by Lin Ci to Sun Cheng.

Of course these things can be justified

Guan Hongshan sneered, and said, “I’m still arguing.”

“It doesn’t matter…”

“Then look at this

With that said, Guan Hong queued a photo to Sun Cheng.

The picture shows Sun Cheng’s daughter

Just nine years old this year.

The first time he saw the photos, Sun Chengcheng was completely stunned.

The director added music in due course at this time.

A heavy drum sound seemed to hit the hearts of the audience.

After a moment of silence, Sun Cheng narrowed his eyes and looked at Guan Hongshan: “Gu team…

“what do you mean?”

The sneer at the corner of Guan Hongshan’s mouth has long since disappeared.

At this moment his face is very serious

But by no means cold.

“Imagine what your daughter will do after you die?

He put on a look that understood Sun Cheng very well, and spoke with earnestness.

“She is still young.”

“But when she grows up, will she have to carry everything from a murderer’s father to her husband?”

“Even if she is not in this city, she can’t hold her head up!”

Sun Cheng’s expression froze.

But Guan Hongshan’s voice didn’t stop

Not only did it not stop, but the words became more intense!

“It’s not just your daughter.”

“And your wife.”

“How on earth is she going to give birth?”

“What kind of eyes will your relatives and friends look like!?”

“You are dead a hundred, what do they do!?”

“You want them to live under such pressure!?”

Sun Cheng’s eye sockets have turned red.

His expression was very painful.

Obviously, I am struggling!


He roared out in the interrogation room.

That kind of roar is like roaring out the deepest pressure in my heart

Such a picture, the despair of this middle-aged man, makes the head full of pity

That’s right…

People never live just for themselves.

It’s like he can grit his teeth and take on all this and stand up to the crime…

But the more such a person, the more he has his soft side

For Sun Cheng, the soft side… is undoubtedly his family, whether or not it is in this “perfect crime ~ proof”, Sun Cheng knows what he will do.

What kind of choice.

Guan Hongshan secretly breathed a sigh of relief as he watched the changes in Sun Cheng’s eyes. He has extremely rich experience in torture. When facing such a prisoner, he is naturally there.

Own method

Some prisoners can’t break through with tough methods

Like this time

This is where Sun Cheng’s weakness is.

Is about to die, so is there nothing to worry about before leaving?

That’s the impossible family.”

“For your children, for yours

“Make the choice you think is right.”

“Sun Cheng.”

“Say it.”

Sun Cheng looked at Guan Hongshan, his face a little stiff.

He suddenly understood in his heart that Lin Ci…may have lost

After struggling for a while again, he slumped on the chair as if he had lost all his strength.

But he still insisted: “I didn’t serve as a testimony, man, I did kill it!”

“After all, you are not the only one in your testimony. It’s all over now.

Guan Hong smiled and calmly said, “No matter how you quibble,

“You can bear these

“What about your wife?


Hearing this, Sun Cheng’s expression changed a little in an instant.

He didn’t know how to argue.

And looked a little panicked

In another interrogation room.

Sun Cheng’s wife, Xia Lili, is being interrogated jointly by Wu Sin and Qin Ming.

Qin Haoran is prone to stuttering when his brain is not active.

Of course, interrogation is not suitable for him.

At this time, Qin Ming’s indifferent voice rang in the interrogation room.

“Xia Nv Ten, you should know the consequences of perjury.”

Xia Lili didn’t care about her face.

The performance is very kind of female rascal temperament

“What perjury? Proof?”

She said, ”

“I did not give perjury.”

“Anyway, everyone knows it now. I’m the one who is going to die. I was talking for the sake of the future. Xia Lili suddenly laughed and said with disdain: “What’s wrong with Boss Lin?


“Boss Lin is rich and handsome, let’s be honest, I’ve already gotten better with Boss Lin!” Xia Lili glanced at Qin Ming in front of her, and smiled: “So even if it’s my choice.

What’s wrong, so what?”

“Boss Lin… is very good to me, especially in that aspect… hee hee.”

Of course it refers to bed matters

And hearing this, Qin Ming’s face was a little ugly.

This woman is really incompetent.

And this is after all the show is not a real interrogation

Some methods are still not easy to use.

The situation can only be distinguished by logical means.

But this logic…

Lin Ci has demonstrated powerful logical means before…

Even if this person gave false testimony, he was sent by Lin Ci. In this case, Lin Ci fills the logical gap with emotion and words, no matter how to ask

Some loopholes were found, but in this case, Qin Haoran heard every word in the invisible earphones Wu Sin was wearing.


He quickly said, “There is no need for trial.”

“Qin Ming, hired over there.”

Qin Ming raised his eyebrows: “Have you recruited?”

“It seems that there is still a means to close the team.”

But Xia Lili laughed and said, “It’s not necessary.”

“You two, it’s like this kind of strategy…”

“Will he think of it?”

Xia Lili heard many possible situations from Lin Ci

Of course, including this kind of dilemma. So as long as both sides are determined together, and feel from the heart that what you are doing is correct

It can indeed solve the problem of the dilemma of the disciples.

However, Wu Sin and Qin Ming glanced at her and smiled.

Wu Sin smiled and said.

“Just forget it if you don’t believe it.”

“it does not matter.”

“We have found tangible evidence in your home.”

“Sun Cheng also recruited after hearing this.”

Qin Ming raised his eyebrows again: “The team hasn’t been tried out yet?”

Wu Sin didn’t pay attention to Qin Ming.

He opened his mouth and said, “The recorder we found in your house explains everything.”

“Your perjury has been broken.” After a pause, Wu Sin said with a chuckle: “Actually, you never had sex with Lin Ci at all.

It’s just that you are practicing!”

“The green hat and betrayal gave Sun Cheng a motive for murder, but all of this is your fake

“Sun Cheng is terminally ill, Lin Ci just bought you all with money, right?”

“And, the price is ten million!” “Yes, we learned from the recorder in your house.”

Wu Sin turned around, shook his head, and speculated: “It seems that you are not stupid, you are recording deliberately, because you are afraid

Lin Ci regrets not giving money, right?”

And hearing this, Xia Lili’s face suddenly changed

Recording pen!?

Did they find a voice recorder?

Where’s the recorder?

How could there be a voice recorder?

I have never used a recorder with Sun Chengdu!

at the same time

In the second station, people were shocked to see such a scene in the live broadcast room.

“.” My Cao! Is this perjury true?”

“Close the team is awesome!”

“Hey, it seems that no matter how fierce Lin Ci is, this time it seems to be over.”

“Now that the game he set up has been broken, it seems that this time the criminals really got fat.”

“This iron green hat is pitiful…

In this case, people’s confidence in Lin Ci at the beginning has been wiped out.

Especially in Lin Ci

When only doing one thing a month

Keep on giving up

Lin Ci has no retreat.

But does he have any other arrangements?

If not, his road to victory will end in the ninth period.

February 10

On the 120th floor of Runtian Building.

Lin Ci meets Jiang Yin again

“Thank you very much, Lawyer Jiang.

The word said: “When the case is completely over, I will transfer the remaining balance to your account.

Jiang Yin raised his eyebrows: “I don’t remember when I told you my account” “I have a good secretary

Lin Ci waved his hand: “I don’t remember either.”

“This thing aside…”

He changed the subject and said, “Didn’t this find a way to exonerate my daughter?

“Miss Jiang, it seems that you are still very good.”

“There is no waste of money to invite your team.”

Jiang Yin smiled. (Li Hao)

But it was the kind of smile that didn’t smile.

“Boss Lin, I think you should be very clear.”

“This is not what I did, I just took advantage of it.”

Lin Ci smiled and didn’t answer

However, Jiang Yin continued: “Don’t be too careless.”

“This matter… from what I know about Guan Hongshan and the others, they will definitely not believe it.

“And Yue tells the truth, Lin Xianniu’s layout this time is actually not very clever, that Sun Cheng

Having said that, Jiang Yin shook his head and sighed

“If you find evidence in one day, you won’t be able to reverse it at all.”

“I advise you to have second-hand preparation.”

Lin Ci waved his hand and said indifferently: “You don’t need to worry about Lawyer Jiang in this matter.”

“the weather is nice today.”

“Have a meal together?”

Jiang Yin frowned, gave Lin Ci a light look, but saw him with a confident smile on his face.

Can’t help but sigh again, somewhat disappointed.

She feels that although Lin Ci’s layout is not bad, it is not a masterpiece at all, and it is not difficult to see through it.

Jiangyin took a sip from his teacup, and then said, “No need for wheat.” “Thank you very much for your tea, Lin Xianniu.”

After saying this, Jiang Yin got up and left.

Looking at her slender waist, Lin Ci also took a sip from the teacup.

Thinking of what she said.

The smile on Lin Ci’s mouth gradually disappeared as the tea cup fell

Second-hand preparation?

How could it not?

However, more than second-hand preparation!

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