Chapter 7

After Lin Ci left the room, he immediately noticed the black car parked on the side road.

But Lin Ci didn’t get into the car directly, but looked at the surrounding environment.

He had just entered the yard in a hurry, and he did not have time to pay attention to the situation nearby.

At this time, Lin Ci noticed that it was almost a suburb of Jiangbei City.

Looking towards the south, it is the Yuejiang River in Jiangbei City.

Across the river across the Jiangbei Bridge, you can see the White Horse Temple on the mountain.

White Horse Temple is a small scenic spot in Jiangbei City. There are some very traditional monks on the mountain. In the past two years, a small resort to experience life has been developed.

There are such fragments in Lin Ci’s memory, but he himself has never been there.

But what Lin Ci really observes is not these.

Lin Ci looked around and looked for a nearby camera.

Anyway…this car will be discovered eventually, it’s just a matter of time.

But in order to ensure the success of the next plan, Lin Ci still has to conceal his existence as much as possible.


Fortunately, here is the suburbs, and surveillance video is not as numerous and complicated as in the city.


Lin Ci took a deep breath, put on a peaked cap, and got into the car called Liu Zhen.

Of course, there are naturally countless cameras in this car recording Lin Ci’s every move.

At this time, the audience in the live broadcast room noticed Lin Ci’s actions, but they were a little dismissive.

“Handling the car? Driving by yourself? This is simply a disaster… It’s too unprofessional.”

“After all, this car has been parked here for more than ten hours. No matter how you handle it, it is impossible to completely cover up the possibility of staying here.”

“This Lin Ci really doesn’t work. He didn’t even wear a glove. There are fingerprints on the entire car.”

Indeed, what is said on the barrage still makes some sense.

If you read more, you will naturally understand better.

But of course Lin Ci himself knows this.

It’s just that this car must not stop here anyway.

Even if it was discovered, it shouldn’t be now.

Lin Ci rummaged in the car and found a map and a certain amount of cash.

But the cash Lin Ci didn’t move. He just pulled out the map and shook it away.

He quickly decided where to abandon the car, then put down the map and started the engine.


The engine sounded, Lin Ci kicked the accelerator and left the door.

The other side.

In Jiangbei City Bureau.

Several criminals who participated in the show have also gathered here.

Guan Hongshan, the head of the Criminal Investigation Team of the General Administration, Qin Ming, the nation’s first forensic doctor, Wu Sin, who won the title of the youngest outstanding police officer, and Qin Haoran, the first detective in Chinatown, sat behind a long table in the conference room with plain expressions.

They didn’t seem to be nervous at all.

After all, I have participated in the show six times but it is unbeaten!

No matter how powerful the opponent is, no matter how complicated the case is, it will all be distracted.

Although this time, they still don’t know what kind of case it is…

But it will be resolved in the end.

They have this ability, so they also have this kind of self-confidence.

But right now…

They really have nothing to do.

After all, the prerequisite for solving a case… is to have a case happen.

The first thing they have to do is to screen out the case where the script was provided by the program team among all the recent cases in Jiangbei City.

It was mixed in countless real cases, and it was not so easy to find out for a while.

You know, the police cannot watch the live broadcast, they don’t know the type of the case, let alone who the suspect is…

Now, all they can do is wait.

But Qin Ming stood up and said, “Everyone, you guys are busy…”

“This kind of thing is not my specialty.”

“When will you find the corpse, call me.”

Qin Ming is a forensic doctor, and he is naturally unprofessional in the work of screening cases.

“I went to the hospital to help the Jiangbei Bureau to look at the dead body, and there might be some clues.”

“Perfect Evidence” is almost held on a national tour.

The previous six phases were all in different cities.

And professionals like Qin Ming, Guan Hongshan, Wu Sin, and Qin Haoran, after coming to different cities, of course, what they have to do is not just to solve the show cases…

It also helped the local police solve the problem.

So Qin Ming went first, something that several people were already used to.

Seeing Qin Ming leaving, Guan Hongshan sighed: “This is really…”

“Originally, the workload was heavy, so I left another one.”

Qin Haoran opened his mouth and said, “No…it doesn’t matter.”

He stutters a little.

“Anyway…Qin Ming, he… he’s not good at it either…”

“I… I am fast, let’s… drive… let’s start!”

He held a large stack of documents on the long and narrow table.

Wu Sin couldn’t help sighing long as he looked at such a large number of records and documents.

“I said this show can’t directly list the suspects?”

“After all, it is obviously unnecessary to delay this time…”

“After all, the ultimate goal is to find the criminal evidence of those masters.”

Guan Hongshan carried a stack of documents, flipped through and said, “I said before…”

“The above requires us to appropriately help the local police department handle difficult cases while performing the program.”

“this matter……”

“No need to be picky anymore.”

And when I said this, the sound of turning pages next to me was already sounding.

Hearing this voice, Wu Sin couldn’t help sighing: “I really envy this kid’s head.”

Guan Hongshan looked at the speed of Qin Haoran’s clattering and turning pages, and felt extremely agree with Wu Sin’s remarks.

“Every time I look at his sorting method…”

“It all feels like his head is not made of meat…”

“I don’t know what kind of guy the opponent is this time.”

“I hope it’s not as complicated as before, right?”

Wu Sin was unwilling to pick up the document and read it while responding: “Not complicated?”

“Unless the show is not done, how can it be uncomplicated.”

“But I’m quite curious about our opponent this time…”

“In two months, what kind of person can you choose?”

“If it weren’t for someone to stare at us, I would have to watch the live broadcast…what kind of character is this kid?”

However, Guan Hongshan ignored the topic Wu Sin raised at this time.

He just turned to speak: “Look at the file quickly, hurry up.”

But none of them watched the live broadcast.

At this time, they still don’t know that their opponent this time is just an ordinary junior high school Chinese teacher.

(Ps: Seventh on the first day! I beg everyone for some support! That’s the motivation for my desperate codewords!)

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ps: It is not easy for newcomers to write a book. They guarantee five chapters every day, and try their best to update them every day. If the daily data increase is strong, don’t talk about anything else, write it down if you stay up late. Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for rewards, ask for all support, thank you everyone, thank you! ! !

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